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  1. hold0104

    Minnesota Growing!

    Heads up to all Mn outdoor growers in North or north central Mn...freeze this Friday. Take necessary measures. IxI
  2. hold0104

    Minnesota Growing!

    i grow outdoors in Minnesota because I am a Minnesotan. A northern Minnesotan. and frankly i haven't had any problems. over the last 10 years the first time we get 3 or more nights in a row below freezing is the period between Oct 21 and November 2. so, if you do autos or strains that flower...
  3. hold0104

    Minnesota outdoor guirillas 2012

    sounds more or less like how i go about it up in my neck of the woods. 3x3 holes are clutch, i got lazy on a couple last year and it was noticeable come harvest time. i use osmocote plus for my base fert, water regularly with compost tea then do the fox farms soil 3 step program (open...
  4. hold0104

    Need help resolving debate over how to add moisture to over dried buds

    So, a friend of mine that grows outdoors (as do I) always tends to end up with plants that have been hanging for a bit too long. As a result they are dry, like crispy/brittle dry. He is an older fellow and thus has grown for many more years than I have...which means many years of this over...
  5. hold0104

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    shortstuff94 -- i don't know if you ended up planting the 60 day wonder or not after your post on july 25th, but just fyi you would be totally fine, especially down there, planting them at this point. i've been growing 4 of them here in MN this season and they aren't kidding with the...
  6. hold0104

    hey man. i started a journal for my outdoor grow. if you want to keep up to date check it out...

    hey man. i started a journal for my outdoor grow. if you want to keep up to date check it out. word.
  7. hold0104

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    what's up my fellow Minnesotans? i live somewhere north of brainerd and south of bemidji...and am looking forward to a solid year in our most excellent wilderness growing some most excellent MN homegrown buds. this year my primary strains will be: Purple Maroc, white widow x big bud, pandora...
  8. hold0104

    Cold Climate Growers

    i am in north central MN and will be doing purple maroc as my primary outdoor strain this season. it was a bitch but i was able to get 2 decent mothers out of 6 seeds that i started indoor in february. built up a decent arsenal of clones now. it seems like it should be an excellent strain for...
  9. hold0104

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    yo i am in mn and will be doing nevilles as one of my strains as well. main strains: purple maroc, white widow X big bud, pandora auto flower. additional strains: jock horror, la blanca, pipi, sugar babe(indoor). got mother plants of all these that i started in february. been cloning to...