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  1. Sadistikal87

    A failure in progress

    The past few weeks have been crazy for me. An ongoing job search in a dwindling job market controlled by a failing economical core is extremely frustrating not to mention time consuming. I just picked up a few 26 watt cfl's today and got them set up As you can see the two middle plants were...
  2. Sadistikal87

    What we think about when we be high.

    .... Um why shouldn't she it is her personal computer and sexuality let her do as she pleases. Who are we to question her actions?
  3. Sadistikal87

    What we think about when we be high.

    Damn girl, you seem way to hard on yourself calling yourself a "fat ass" lighten up. My whole life has been about "perfect" skinny girls and you know where that has led me?.... to the bottom of hundreds of bottles, heartache, and more drugs than i care to remember doing. The truth is you most...
  4. Sadistikal87

    Where's My Engineers At?

    Fuck it man I think this is the best place to list the rest of my equipment that's not specifically recording oriented. This is where I invested most of my money which explains why my recording set up is substandard. Drums: I have a Pearl export select drum set that consists of an 8", 10", 12"...
  5. Sadistikal87

    Where's My Engineers At?

    I have a recording studio set up in my shop ( half of it is my studio, half of it is my shop w. all my tools etc...) Once I have the money to invest I am partitioning off a section of it for a control room. That's where I recorded that many years ago. "i would show you my music, but then it...
  6. Sadistikal87

    Where's My Engineers At?

    K thanks for the info. I finally remembered my old bands myspace password and got in there after four years of in-activity lol. All of our final recordings are on my ex-guitarist's laptop the only one I could find to put on the myspace was an old one before it saw mastering just a raw jam track...
  7. Sadistikal87

    What we think about when we be high.

    Smoked a fat one man....whats on my mind.... 1. Stuffed shells with meat sauce 2. Meatball sandwich 3. Garlic bread 4. Huge glass of Crystal light Rasberry ice After my meal, a refreshing Newport 100 will be consumed than I will immerse myself into creating some tasty blues/classic rock riffs...
  8. Sadistikal87

    A failure in progress

    Ok so my updated shopping list will consist of... 4 23watt 6500k Cfl bulbs for Veg use, and 4 23watt 2700k Cfl bulbs for later on, and 3 Y splitters As far as the coconut fiber goes here is the info I found online for it as this is what I used... ProCoir Coco Coir Fiber An organic growing...
  9. Sadistikal87

    A failure in progress

    K thanks man... How many cfl's should I run? two or four?
  10. Sadistikal87

    My Prediction Song

    Worked at a Black and Decker like five years ago got mad bored one day and decided to write a song that predicts my future as well as the future of my friends and community. The gravity cannot really be understood by anyone else as they didn't live through my life but over the past five years...
  11. Sadistikal87

    What we think about when we be high.

    Recently I have been jotting down stand up skit ideas, joke ideas, and movie dialog ideas. Not that I attempt to go any were with it just for my own reading enjoyment and my friends. If I still think it's funny when I am not stoned I save it otherwise it gets discarded. Just wrote one down...
  12. Sadistikal87

    Iron man 2 Huge fan of the comic books as a child so naturally watched the first movie which I found to be awesome. The second one looks pretty decent but I don't know how enjoyable the plot will be now that everyone knows who iron man is. Any thoughts?
  13. Sadistikal87

    Super Bowl XLIV

    The cowboys (My favorite team) Will never go all the way with Wade Phillips as head coach man and it hurts me to say it as it's just one disappointing season after another. So much potential but poor coaching. But hey I was happy to beat the Eagles three times this year : ) Mcnab is the most...
  14. Sadistikal87

    Perverted Daily pRoN

    I hope to one day achieve your growing ability man great stuff. I can smell the bubblegum through my monitor lol.
  15. Sadistikal87

    A failure in progress

    A few inches at a time. Close up I think I have mixed to much of the coconut fiber into my soil as I haven't watered my plants in several days and the soil is still extremely moist. (or I may have over-watered them a few days ago) This limits my ability to fertilize because I want to avoid...
  16. Sadistikal87

    Where's My Engineers At?

    Damn man you have some nice equipment! "i have a long hallway to work with so sometimes i mic the guitar amps with 3 different mics, one close to the amp, the other in the middle of the hallway and the 3rd at the furthest end of the hallway. this gives the sound from the amp a more thicker...
  17. Sadistikal87

    Cocaine A to Z

    "all I know is I just re re upd and I bet I got more coke then everyone on this site put together.You wanna see?" Lol I would be lying if I said I didn't miss those days. Re up Friday and live at the bar for the next three days. Than repeat process on Monday. Than again on Wed. I always...
  18. Sadistikal87

    Cocaine A to Z

    I am glade you found it interesting my mission was a success! Thanks
  19. Sadistikal87

    Cocaine A to Z

    Yes the two are different NaHCO3 = sodium bicarbonate = baking soda Na2CO3 = sodium carbonate = baking powder As far as the "cooking" process goes, I am not comfortable discussing the methods of how to do it. Crack is whack! lol
  20. Sadistikal87

    Cocaine A to Z

    I can assure you the several hours of research combined with my vast experience with the drug is what my posts consists of. Other than the "Composition of cocaine" part as I wanted to make sure it was scientifically sound and not just a generalization of my previous knowledge. I am certain there...