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  1. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks dude. Some of the buds in this thread are jaw dropping.
  2. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Couple of Snowryders that I was going to chop in the next few days... yay or nay?
  3. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    Thanks for the response guys. So hopefully they can pull through, at least I feel more confident now about the situation. One thing I will say tho, is that colour wise they are a bit yellow. Is this gonna be a problem? Pots are starting to dry out now so think ill feed them tonight, then see...
  4. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    Okay, took these pics earlier. Thanks TTT, that gives me hope at least, what do you reckon on the others? The first one is PP and is the most well developed out of the crop.
  5. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    Purely because of the intense heat they were in for a sustained period of time. The leaves were/are very dry and crispy so thought this would help them. Could be doing the bloody opposite tho eh?
  6. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    No doe eye, not been watering them as they were repotted last week and the pots haven't dryed out yet. Could this still be done tho?
  7. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    Cheers for the quick response guys. I'm at work at the mo so can't get the pics up till later. Intresting few points there, in regards to the misting its pretty much all the time when the light is on as the night cycle is from 9am to 3pm when I'm at work. Come to think of it I did think that...
  8. T

    should i throw the towel in?

    Hi people, I've come on here for some advice as this is my first grow and unfortunatley my plants look like they've had enough. :( I will be posting pics soon but in the meantime I would like to give you a quick rundown of the events that led to the problem. The said plants (white rhino &...