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  1. M

    any advice on whats wrong with my plant??

    can you show us some pics?
  2. M

    Nirvana Comes Thought Again

    i agree they worked out for me, didnt come at first, asked alice, she sent them again :)
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    cant get the PH run off down!!

    I have a clone that has been about a week out of the dome, and its been dying ever since. it has tons of nice roots and i have been feeding it PH 6.2-4 water with half doses of nutes from Hesi, like the bottles tell you to. I cut 10 clones from the mother, and on a side note the mother has been...
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    Failed attempt at Tincture

    I really want to get this tincture thing down, but just wasted 5 grams of dank nugs :( with a failed attempt, here is my story.... I took 60 ml of 95% alcohol and put it in an empty jar of pasta sauce (glass) I ground between 4-5 grams in a coffee grinder for about 10 seconds I put the...
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    Alcohol Tincture

    oz is a measurement of volume, i think its 30 ml
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    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    Looking over this thread is seemed like he filtered out the actual plant material and then heated the product, is this how you understood it as well? i am not sure if that would cause a significant problem, but it could be. The way I see it is there are 3 possibilites: 1. the use of...
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    Outlaw pot growers in California fear legalization

    thank g-d someone here has some sense. there is no good reason marijuana should be illegal. the world is finally waking up to this fact. we are talking about peoples civil liberties here, about making a change that will positively effect many peoples lives, and make a huge statement...
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    growing marijuana on the moon

    how is this a thread??? lol!!!
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    how milky does it get, when to harvest

    I am using a 20x loupe with built in light, i can see the trics but they are quite small. is 20x enough to properly judge the state of the trics?
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    how milky does it get, when to harvest

    i got clones from a friend that said its an 8 week flower, what are the down/up sides to waiting an extra week?
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    how milky does it get, when to harvest

    when you say 20-30% amber, you mean 30% of the trics are amber and the other 70% are cloudy? also i have heard that it is BS that harvest times effect "up vs couch", do you disagree? I am interested in both couch locking and upping effects. if i had to choose i would go with couch locking...
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    how milky does it get, when to harvest

    I am on day 46 of flowering 12/12 in some lighting the trichromes look milky and in others they look clear. any guess as to how long till this plant is ready?
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    To Flush or Not to Flush

    leeching is when you switch to just normal water?
  14. M

    what is killing this plant, with pics

    TEMP??? 65-80 F RH??? whats this? PH of water?? 6.3-6.4 ph of runoff ?? whats this ppm?? or what strength nutes?? i use hesi nutes and follow the little sheet they included, i dont have a ppm meter so i dont know exactly how old are your plants??? about 3-4 old
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    To Flush or Not to Flush

    i am using hesi products, which are not organic, the main thing i am interested in is maximizing my yield, i dont care so much for the flavor. should i feed nutes till the end? why would you do one thing for organics and another for chems?
  16. M

    what is killing this plant, with pics

    the leaves are wet because I sprayed them with water, they are getting brown spots and brittle feeling. i was hoping spraying them with water would help keep them from drying out. is this a bad idea?
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    To Flush or Not to Flush

    So about 90% of the things I read say that for the last two weeks you should give your plant nothing but water. During this time the fan leaves will turn yellow and fall off..... But every now and then I come across someone that swears by nutes till the end. I understand there will be a...
  18. M

    what is killing this plant, with pics

    I topped a plant about 2 weeks ago, and over the past few days it has been slowly dying. I have not changed ph, or nutes, that i know of, she has been on 18/6 her whole life. any suggestions. I also included some shots of another 2 plants that are starting to look unhappy