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  1. R

    Amazing tap water filtration results!

    So I have one of those Pur water filters that screws onto your sink faucet. Decided to test the TDS level of plain faucet water and then Pur filtered water. There was NO difference. My tap PPM is 50~ppm. So I have really good tap water and the PH is 7.1 always. I picked up one of those $17...
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    Strawberry plants pollenate my babies?

    Does anyone know if strawberry plants can pollenate my plants and turn my prize bounty into seeded bounty? What about other fruit or vegetable plants?
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    Germination Problem

    Hi everyone, I have only germed in Rockwool once before and had good results. I mustve done something different this time because I am having very bad results. I started by soaking the rockwool in PH 7.0 water for about an hour. I put the seeds in the starter hole about 1/4" down and lightly...
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    Seedlings - New Purple leaves

    Hi, I have about 9 seedlings right now, they are on their 2nd and 3rd set of leaves under CFL's in hydro. They are made up of 3 different strains, so I ruled out genetics. All of the plants are starting to grow purple leaves as of the last 24 hours. I am using Dutchmaster Grow A&B only PH 6.0...
  5. R

    Greenhouse WW vs. Seedsman WW vs. Nirvana WW vs. Female WW

    Day 4 All seeds have sprouted. 100% germ rate.
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    Greenhouse WW vs. Seedsman WW vs. Nirvana WW vs. Female WW

    So I'm going to doing a heads up comparison of three different breeders White Widow: nirvana, greenhouse, seedsman, and also a Female BigBud x WW cross. All were germinated from seed at the same time and as of now are Day 1 from popping out of the rockwool. I will be vegging for 5-10 days to...
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    Single Seed Centre

    I've placed four orders with them. The last one arrived in just 4 days to the USA. Ordered on a Thursday, shipped on Friday, received Wednesday. One seed was cracked so they gave twice the cost off my next order. I had one order confiscated and they were good enough to replace the order ven...
  8. R

    Light leaks caused re-vegging. Advice appreciated.

    I had my babies in flower for about 3 weeks. I then moved them to a new grow tent and for approximately 10 days had a pretty good light leak that I discovered. Most ofthe plants started re-vegging. Some are vegging and still producing pistils. I immediately induced 24 hour dark period to...
  9. R

    Anyone have or know about light leaks symptoms?

    So I recently moved into a grow tent, and fear that for the last 3 weeks I may have had a light leak from an open vent port that I forgot was open on top of the tent. It's in a room with blinds on the window, but still the room gets some daylight. I noticed the plants flowering slowing...
  10. R

    which site has the best seeds?????

    Steathiest: nirvana Best genetics: DNA Genetics Fastest shipping: nirvana shop, the single seed centre both places my orders came within 5-7 business days. DNA trumps Nirvana IMO by alot. And single seed centre has cheap shipping. They replaced an order that was confiscated even though...
  11. R

    Who has experience with indoor tents? Need help..

    I would love to be able to push the exhast out of the house! But eres my problem, y lights-on time is during the day when it's always 95F or hotter outside. So if I were to push 340cfm of air outta the house, I need to replace it with 340cfm of air. So the way I figure, if the exhaust air is 95F...
  12. R

    Who has experience with indoor tents? Need help..

    I originally was operating in a walk in closet measuring 5ft x 3.5ft. It conveniently had the attic entrance in the ceiling. It was becoming a pain to run the fans into the attic because I was drawing all the air out of the house. So, I bought a 2.8ft x 4.1ft tent with a 600w HPS cooltube and a...
  13. R

    Burning at 178ppm?

    So my ebb and flow babies are getting some nute burn at 178ppm. They are in week 2 of flower and a total of 3 weeks old. I am usingthe GH 3 part at half strength. Ph is 6.0 under 400whps @ 77 degrees. Any thoghts? Poor water circulation perhps?
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    97 Days Flowering and a week to go!

    Now at 104 days flower. Trichs 60% clear 35% milky 5 cloudt vert light, long fluffy buds
  15. R

    Why do my cured buds smell terrible?

    Gives a good buzz. I harvested at 20% clear 70% cloudy and 10% amber. It just tastes funny.
  16. R

    Why do my cured buds smell terrible?

    Ok so the first bud I harvested was only a .5g nug. I let it dry for 36 hours. It was dry on the outside. I began curing, and now 5 days later literally everytime I open the jar, the smell is terrible. Doesn't smell like hay or pine needles just BAD. So after that I harvested 3 more plants...
  17. R

    Leaves dried up and crumbling

    4 weeks ago I got a bit of nute burn and the tips of my fan leaves browner and crumbled off. Now, all the fan leaves are dry and brittle and light in color. They literally will break or crumble if you bend them. After the slight burn, I flushed twice and it's had ph 7.0 water for a month now no...
  18. R

    97 Days Flowering and a week to go!

    2 months ago I posted a "how much longer does this have left" thread. Eeryone said I had a 12 week flowerer. Well, it's now day 97 flower and a week to go still and that's if I harvest with barely any amber on the trichs. Anyone seen a bagseed flower this long? Been under a 400w hps in soil. The...
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    Longest flower ever?

    Btt again. Anyone? Day 79 flower...
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    Longest flower ever?

    you need to get a 30x - 100x microscope like the ones hydro shops sell. They are super easy to use. You look at your trichomes with it. Those are your crystals. They start out clear then get cloudy and eventually turn amber. Harvest when your trichomes are all cloudy or partly amber and cloudy...