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  1. M

    male or female? please look and help me

    ok thanks they have been like that for about 2 days now they aren't drooping down or anything and my friends say they think there is a hair coming out but i dont know for sure
  2. M

    male or female? please look and help me

    ok but can you help me determine the sex of my plant please?
  3. M

    male or female? please look and help me

    males have pollen females have buds
  4. M

    male or female? please look and help me

    is this a male or female. please look and help me
  5. M

    how long do i let males grow before i make honey oil

    i have a male plant i plan to make honey oil out of. How long do i need to let it grow before i can cut it down and make oil out of it?
  6. M

    male honey oil plant please help

    i have a male plant that i want to make honey oil out of. i know how to make the oil. when is the plant at its highest thc content? i just need to know how long i let it grow before i cut it down to make oil?
  7. M

    has anyone ever heard of a strain called green crack?

    has anyone ever heard of a strain called green crack and if so can you give me any info on yeild size if its sativa or indica any info would help
  8. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant here are some pics they are kinda crappy because they are from my phone
  9. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    yeah i have been doing research. like i said you cant identify it yet i was just wondering how one would go about identifying a strain. i can take a pic if you want but you wont be able to tell. i was asking so maybe i could help some friends of mine and myself later on down the road
  10. M

    does giving your plant estrogen help with making your plant a female?

    i have heard from a couple of people that giving your plant estrogen will help with making your plant a female. i was wondering if there is any truth to that or just a bunch of bull
  11. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    when and how can one determine or have an idea of what strain they are growing?
  12. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    yeah i am new around here but i have been using this site as a refference when i had questions about my plant like i said its my first one
  13. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    i dont know what strain when i get some picture i was hoping someone could tell me i just got these seeds out my cronic bag
  14. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    awesome thank you so much i will take pictures in a few days when you can see it better
  15. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    thanks that does help. what is the thing the white hairs are coming out of called because that is what my plant looks like but only has 1 hair and they aren't that long and they aren't white yet
  16. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    ok i tried taking a picture but you cant really see what i am talking about but what i do see is on the top three inches of the plant. So where do the hairs protrude from?
  17. M

    please help me determine the sex of my plant

    hey whats up everyone i am new to this site but have been reading alot of tthreads posted here. I started growing my first plant and need some advice. i am 2days into flowering after a 6 week veg. i am trying to identify the sex of my plant. i know where to look for the sex and i can see a small...