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  1. T

    What is wrong with planting early?

    This is a very good question, but my weather is a lot differnt and I was wanting to put some grow outside mid march. I live close to tennisee and the weather isnt that great but it should break by then. Would it be possible if the weather is better to put some plants out and them be fine?
  2. T

    Whats up from the LC

    Hello, Im new to this community and so far I enjoy it very much. I have found this site to be very informing on every aspect. Ive tried growing plenty of times but so far not to successful, Since ive been reading the posts and learning more my crop is looking better than ever! Hopefully in about...
  3. T

    HELP! y is this happening?

    Im new to this, but I read a post on here that your not supposed to use foil to reflect light could that be the problem?
  4. T

    Hello, Im new here and to the grow game im looking for any useful tips. I use a home-made...

    Hello, Im new here and to the grow game im looking for any useful tips. I use a home-made growbox(2 1/2 ft w X 4 ft h) with a daylight bulb on 1 plant, its almost 2 months old and its alittle over 2 feet. She has constant air flow, watered every 2-3 days and the leaves recently turned crispy and...