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  1. Z

    Question about lighting situation...

    I dont really have time time to go get a lantern, this is kind of last minute. Any advice on how much stress this will induce or if I should just not worry and start them into flowering? Also I could just leave the light straight on until the power goes out (that will be 28 hours of straight...
  2. Z

    can't grow anymore :(

    they are probably more worried about an electrical fire or something. anyways, sorry to hear man...
  3. Z

    Question about lighting situation...

    i have 4 clones (purple kush) planted 12 days ago (soil, 18-6, 250-400w MH ), i have fed them twice at minimum strength and seem to be doing fine (except for a little leaf curl). They have shown a couple inch growth in this time and are about 10 inches tall. Here is my problem. The power...