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  1. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    I know this seems out of the blue and I apologize to anyone subscribed to this thread, but I am leaving No one provoked me to it and nothing bad happened on my end. It's just a personal choice. I'm a private, introvert and the open nature of this site rather puts me off. No offense to...
  2. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    ddftre, That is exactly it. The 1" PVC comes out of the pump, then divides at a tee, much like a road does. One direction -- we'll call it "Right" -- goes out of the res and tee's once more to feed the two separate tubs whilst the other direction -- "Left" -- goes a short distance (approx. 1')...
  3. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    I have two, potentially conflicting answers for you -- neither of which can I give solid proof of. :mrgreen::???: The first consists of quotes from Heath himself that come from the HG420 Archive on The question came up a few times and I think this is as clear as he gets...
  4. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    This change was done on Sunday the 6th, but I am just remembering to post it. This was quite unusual, because the few days preceding it, my ph began to skyrocket and I had a brown septic foam forming in my res/ pots accompanied by what appeared to be pinkish spores of a fungus. Anyway, I had to...
  5. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    ddftre, It is technically my third time with this system, but its also only my 5th run with hydro. My last yield with this system was near 1.5 lbs on two chemdawgs, so I did not hit anywhere near a gram per watt mark, but I take full responsibility for that as it was due to a lack of growers...
  6. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    Yeah, the metal res is just for storing the R.O. filtered water. It's a 100 gal. galvanized livestock tank, so it came pre-fitted with a threaded bung that is located on one side, about three inches up from the bottom. You just remove the threaded plug and insert a threaded elbow fitting with a...
  7. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    ddftre, Thanks. Actually this is my third run with this type of system. This is rather like the third prototype, as the first two used smaller components (Pots, piping and pumps) and therefore was not able to grow a large enough root mass to grow a huge tree. I've fixed all of those problems...
  8. crotch monger

    Feeding schedule any ideas??

    All of that stuff, or similar products should be available there. GH has a european division and botanicare is fairly ubiquitous. Also, res changes are done every seven days. CM
  9. crotch monger

    Feeding schedule any ideas??

    Real G, Here's what I've been feeding on my current and previous grow. 1. General Hydroponics FloraNova Grow or Bloom - Complete Base Nutrient 2. Botanicare Liquid Karma - All-in-one supplement, aids in nutrient uptake regulation, creates tighter node spacing, decreases transplant shock...
  10. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    It's been about 8 days since the last res change. Normally these would happen every 7 days, but I neglected to turn on my R.O. unit the night before and I was short on water in the stock tank. Last weeks nute regimen was a little higher than it should be, though it did green the plants up as I...
  11. crotch monger

    Spider Mites in Veg rm. It's frickin winter! BAttle Plan need some advice Please.

    LY, The above recommendations may work, however, I didn't have the patience to go that route when I got those fuckers. And I got that "West-Coast Super Mite" from some clones I had shipped from a friend in Oregon. That particular variety of SM are notorious for having developed a...
  12. crotch monger

    General Principles of Hydroponics

    This is an article I have copied from an Australian Hydro Publication. It is free to reprint, unfortunately the figures referenced in the article are not included. This is a moderately difficult read, but it's worth it. They are obviously not referencing MJ in here, so the specifics may vary...
  13. crotch monger

    Recirculating Hydroponic Nutrient Management

    This is an article I have copied from an Australian Hydro Publication. It is free to reprint, unfortunately the figures referenced in the article are not included. This is a moderately difficult read, but it's worth it. They are obviously not referencing MJ in here, so the specifics may vary...
  14. crotch monger

    whats causing these "claws"

    Consider getting that R.H. up in the 45-50% range. Your plants may be transpiring water too fast and causing them to absorb more nutrient than they need. Also, as mentioned above, try watering with straight water this next few times and even consider a foliar feed with just some super thrive (B...
  15. crotch monger

    What's a good subcultures for hempy?

    Botanicare makes a product that I consider indispensable in my recirculating grows. Its called Aquashield (formerly Hydroguard.) It has all of the good beneficial bacteria that you need, but not fungi. However, it prevents root rot like no other. Its method of action is to essentially provide...
  16. crotch monger

    cuttings ??

    The above posts were spot on in general, but I thought I might mention a few other factors to consider: 1. What do you plan to do with the 5 seedlings after you take your cuts, presuming they are all female? If you are planning on bushing them out, then top cloning them as soon as you get some...
  17. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    Last night was the first of weekly reservoir changes. I drained out the previous mix of flora nova bloom and rinsed/dried the res out to remove most of the organic matter residue from the FN. The new mix is a mild veg formula of G.H. Flora Series at a 1:1:1: ratio. I'm using R.O. water with...
  18. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    ddftre, That's a good point you make about the top feed. You are right. I believe he did switch to the top 1/2 inch top feed. I can't remember just now why that was. I do know, however, that in an earlier system he was using the drip system that came with the farms and then shut it off after...
  19. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    Here are a few loose photos that didn't find their way into the previous postings, but are also relevant. Plus, I wanted to try out my signature.
  20. crotch monger

    1800 Watt Chemdawg-D Vertical Tree Grow à la Heath Robinson

    These were some pretty healthy clones and so they have experienced little shock so far. They were rooted in 1" Grodan Rockwool cubes under 40 watt household fluorescents with a heat mat. Here were are the Jan. 21 2011. The clones were transplanted on the 15th, so we are 6 days in on the...