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  1. HicDoo

    screw the dispensaries

    I live and grow in cali and the prices here are way too high..... I have to agree with you chester.... greedy as fk is an understatement.:wall: I provide meds for the sick people who have no where to of charge...and when I am no longer able to supply it I hope the same treatment is...
  2. HicDoo

    Lucas Formula; Overwatered, overfed and in need of a transplant - HELP PLEASE!!!

    I am noob to the forum...not growing I have played with Hydro systems for a couple years now..after reading your original thread I think you are trying to hard...stuff is easy to grow. The biggest mistake noob's make is to over do everything hoping for a bigger yeild. You should also be...
  3. HicDoo

    Home at last

    Thanks for the warm welcome mexiblunt & Dochollywood :bigjoint:! If anyone is interested i will be keeping track of my grow with pic's inside my profile..they need to be updated bad things have changed in a large doing a DWC comparison of GH and AN..under 2 6' the moment the...
  4. HicDoo

    Home at last

    I just want to thank everybody for the warm
  5. HicDoo

    looking for a seed bank

    I got some Bubble Gum....Red Cherry berry and Blue Widow, been wanting to try some new strains....should be fun. I ordered from another seed bank 10 days before I ordered from you and I am still waiting..:wall: When I ordered there was an add about freebies on your banner.....I didnt receive...
  6. HicDoo

    looking for a seed bank

    SpeedySeeds.......11 days to Cali :clap:. Awesome customer service, second to none in my opinion...but im just another noob.
  7. HicDoo

    Home at last

    Just checkin in from Northern Cali. Ive been lurking here for a couple months.....reading and gettin my first grow off to a great start.:bigjoint: Loads of info here..and I will be soaking it up like a sponge. Blue Cheese and Blueberry are the strains I am growing.