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  1. B

    24/0 OR 18/6 hours of light

    Doesn't mean a thing to me. My uncle who has been working on BB chevys, drag raced in the NHRA, and currently works for international diesel told me that my head gasket only had 4 bolts holding it down. Uhh, bullshit. It had 8, and no car i've ever seen has 4 head gasket bolts. Unless you can...
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    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    OMFG budsy are you still talking? Please just stfu and smoke a bowl or something. Jesus, I've never seen someone so annoying over the INTERNET
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    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    Expect double to triple the size of the plant moving from veg to flowering. Everything sounds good from what you've listed. My buds seem to grow according to how I pay attention to the leaves. A deficiency/toxicity will slow down growth obviously. Gave them a nice flush then looked at them the...
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    plants are still small, dont seem to be growing...

    With CFLs you need to keep them close to the proximity of the plants. By proximity it doesn't mean just at the top. If you just have them a inch, a few inches, from the tops, then your tops will grow much fuller than the bottoms and sides. If you want the sides to perk up, then you need to hang...
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    Cooling down my growbox! Any ideas? Pics

    LISTEN to what they're saying! If your room is that hot, the fans are doing NOTHING but pushing that hot air around. Once that air hits the bulbs it gets hotter. You either need to turn on your A/C so that your room is around 70 degrees (so it will be 75-80 in the box), get an A/C unit JUST for...
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    plants are still small, dont seem to be growing...

    There's a lot of misinformation floating around. I use tin foil because of the way my CFLs are hanging (they need a reflective surface to the sides and top of them) and I have YET to experience any kind of hot spots on my plants. In essence, the things that have been keeping me on the road to...
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    Stressing a female to produce pollen??

    DTR, now that you do mention it, I was flowering them in a closet. I didn't really have any disregard for turning on and off my bedroom light...that might be what does it. Disturbing it during it's dark phase AFTER it's been flowering. Sounds like an experiment :)
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    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    I disagree with the whole airy buds and a ton of lumens and short plants. You DO need to put more effort into training your plants with CFLs. I'd recommend topping ONCE (not once every day...) and pruning leaves intelligently so that light gets to where it needs to gets. With enough lumens...
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    plants are still small, dont seem to be growing...

    I grew under 10 23W CFLs and got 1.5OZ off two plants. You're gonna need more than 68W. Find an ingenious way to hook up that many CFLs in line to one outlet and you'll be in business. Do some reading around here for lighting and nutrients and you'll be amazed at what you learn. Just reading...
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    nute question

    If it's the bottom leaves, and if the plant is...ehh...around a foot tall, I wouldn't even think twice about it, you're fine. It could be a multitude of things. IMO I think that the CFLs that i'm using aren't penetrating far enough, and those leaves are just dying, so the plant gives those...
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    Stressing a female to produce pollen??

    I've had a lemon kush plant that was flowered for about a month or two, turned back veg, and never showed a sign of a pollen sack. I doubt that'll do it. It's unknown to us STILL, exactly why females hermie. I did though have a plant that did hermie that I kept in a closet for a while in the...
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    nute question

    I'm only a noob (yeah I know...) but i've done enough research to feel confident to throw in my 2 cents. I've never had any kind of nitrogen deficiency, but then again my soil has had nutrients in it, along with some slow release nutrients i've added. With those nutrients I feel you should be...
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    Plants Have Stopped Stinking

    I've encountered similar experiences. Sometimes the plants will constantly smell stinky, sometimes they'll give off a whiff of stink then nothing, and at some times they just don't smell like anything at all. I'd say it's normal but i'm sure someone more experienced can chime in to get more in...
  14. B

    Obama "firmly opposes" legalization

    Too bad no one has mentioned the costs of stocking and growing medical marijuana in states where it's illegal to give it out. Yeah, you heard me right. In Illinois medical marijuana has been legal for 37-38 years...they just can't give it to the patients. Huh? Yeah. They're spending YOUR tax...
  15. B

    Plants sleep so which is best

    First off, yes you have gotten answers. Might they have been the ones you were specifically looking for? Probably not seeing as how you have absolutely no sentence structure. You've apparently got people interested in this thread, all you need to do is make it clear for them to read. Use...
  16. B

    Identify the strain of weed ?

    You can't judge the smoke on the color. I've had fluffy bud with orange hairs all over it that has been the best shit i've ever had.