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  1. G

    Regular Weed??WtF

    I know a litle late to the party but I have to say very helpful guys i won a bet and you taught me some stuff, and I had to google what sensimilla was... i know now lol.
  2. G

    Sorry I am really working hard to get a stable connection to become an official rollitup member.

    Sorry I am really working hard to get a stable connection to become an official rollitup member.
  3. G

    Regular Weed??WtF

    i know right,...but im a lucky sick dude.
  4. G

    Regular Weed??WtF i have my answer, but did the other guy just say that dro is regular weed?!
  5. G

    Regular Weed??WtF

    Well, what i guess i was really asking was since everything comes from something what could this schwag bag i have come from, because there is no plant called regular weed right?
  6. G

    My First Grow!!

  7. G

    Regular Weed??WtF

    so i know this is my first post, i was talking to my fam and i asked him what we where smoking and he told me regular weed. can someone please explain this regular weed idea to me.