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  1. P

    First PC Grow Box

    thanks never occurred to me about the lights, if this grow goes well ill try that out for the next grow, keep up the good work man
  2. P

    First PC Grow Box

    LOL TG here u go man ok dont laugh haha im a complete noob, yeah theses are 2 weeks old urr was using 2 14watt 5k clfs to vegg, with the lights sitting pretty close to the plants, today i switched to two 18watt 2700 clf lights, gonna see if these babies will get me any thing, hoping alteast one...
  3. P

    Auto Lowryder in PC Stealth Grow Case

    Sounds good maybe if u put sum cedar or oz lights it can mask the smell of good weed,
  4. P

    Party Cup Grow and Autoflowering Grow

    Mite be drainage cups but then I don't know, good shit, please inform us
  5. P

    Home made cabinet for 1st CFL grow!!

    Good read love the pics, thanks you guys for this wealth of knowledge, feels like I learn sumthing new every day, will subscribe as soon as I'm not high
  6. P

    First PC Grow Box

    Nice I'm trying a pc grow to 2 weeks now and the bagseeds are looking decent just using 2 18 watt cfls and keeping light directly on them will flower next week. Post up pics of how your plants are looking id love to see them and compare. Oh yehwat week are u at?
  7. P

    First PC Grow Box

    Nice grow can't wait to tear up my pc and do one to how many plants can u fit in there?
  8. P

    fan question????

    I turn mine. Off wen the lights go out but I've got another fan that circulates air inside the box on. Seems to work good for me just wathc your temp
  9. P

    Need Help installig fans into box

    well i think your gonna need 1 fan at the bottom to bring air in and one at the top to push hot air out, as to mounting the pc fans use a drill and make two nice size holes about as big as your fan blades, then get sum screws and screw them on just make sure you mark which side the fan is...
  10. P

    Hgetting seeds ship to us

    thanks i typed it in the search and couldn't find anything about how stuff was shipped and weather or not seeds are detectable in mail, im just paranoid ahahah, thanks for answering my question though
  11. P

    Hgetting seeds ship to us

    has anyone in the states ever ordered seeds befor just wondering what the risk of geting caught is. I see all these awsome plants I wanna try out but the seeds are shipped, so I'm just scared of getting caught any advice would be great thanks