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  1. T

    Bubble hash to bho?

    I would personally throw the buds and anything else you can find in the mix. 2gs of even the best bubble hash I'm assuming you will probably get a 50% return on at best; leaving you with 1g BHO. I have never tried this myself so possibly someone with more relevant experience will correct me...
  2. T

    purple color on stem

    Congrats on the Jr Champs, no easy feat. Thanks, they are mine. Going on 3 years old this month. They are brother and sister from the same litter. Their father is an AKC Champion from Michigan. I was considering showing my male, but showing is a lifestyle if you're going to win and I...
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    purple color on stem

    How far along are you? Do you know the strain? It could be normal...
  4. T

    Running lights at night due to cold??

    I didn't know that, learn something new every time I check in. Thanks, I'll definitely be investing in one of those.
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    Running lights at night due to cold??

    I did that all year up to this summer. Made things interesting whenever I had to switch the light cycle in order to take them outside. I had a lot of debate on how to handle that... Got it done though and plants transitioned nicely. Only issue I had with running at night was the maintenance...
  6. T

    Need Help Identifying Issues in Flowering

    Looks normal to me assuming your plant is around a 50 day flowering period. How are the buds looking? Is it going to be finishing up within a week or 2? If so I believe that to be normal... I have a plant that is finishing up this week and all the fan leaves are turning yellow and have...
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    Need help

    They will need a few more weeks for sure. I'm not sure of the full repercussion of bringing them indoors from outside. I think the cold would induce flowering, probably speed them up a little compared to your sun room (assuming it is warmer than outside). Are they receiving adequate sunlight...