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  1. Carolina Thunderball

    Buds are crunchy after 4 days of drying!

    Put them in a sealed container overnight with a piece of apple. Its an old tobacconists trick and works like a charm. Mmoistens them right up.
  2. Carolina Thunderball

    Coffee Grounds???

    thats cool,,,, i'm wondering if the grounds are too weak as a fertilizer, what if i diluted some brewed coffee (cooled down to room temp of course). Any thoughts?
  3. Carolina Thunderball

    Coffee Grounds???

    I hope i'm not posting a redundant thread, but the search function is the one thing on this forum that leaves something to be desired. Anywho, I have heard that using used coffee grounds is great for adding pretty much everything the plants need, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphate...
  4. Carolina Thunderball

    i'm wondering weather or not salvia is a good idea or not

    Definatly not for a newbie. LSD is training wheels compared to this Souped up high octane hell-wagon
  5. Carolina Thunderball

    i'm wondering weather or not salvia is a good idea or not

    I was waiting on my mom to come open the side door on the roller coaster car I was in, when in actuality she lives 3,000 miles away and I was sitting on my friends couch. My friend didn't recognize anybody there and thought we had all come to steal his candy cane factory.... 0_o HAHAHAHA...
  6. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    Let the Gnatpocolypse reign Thanks again
  7. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    Yup, 99.9% sure theyre gnats. gonna go get some neem oil tomorrow after work, might pick up a little Diatomaceous Earth as well. Absolutly loving the idea of microscopic cuts on these little bastards. But sadistic streak aside,,,, makes sense to fight it mechanically and chemically. or am I...
  8. Carolina Thunderball

    HELP...Gnats? Fruit Flies?

    Loving the idea of microscopic cuts on the freeloading little bastards. grrr. damn bugs and the absolute necessity of their existence
  9. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    these dont look like spidermites, theyre bigger with black cylyndrical bodies and I can see wings
  10. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    can I get neem oil from somewhere like home depot or lows, or do I need to go to a specialty plant store?
  11. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    thats What I thought too, based on what i had read from other posts, but, they are definatly hanging out on the top, and its not many,,,, I only see one or two at a time. Should I maybe spray for mites just in case?
  12. Carolina Thunderball

    Can a plant have fleas????

    Ok, I doubt they are fleas, but I'm hoping they arent a bad thing,,,,, which they probably are. I'm a new grower on the first attempt. I've noticed a few of these tiny dark little bugs. They're very fast and they fly. I havent noticed any leaf discoloration or damage as of yet and hope i...
  13. Carolina Thunderball

    Will a plant grow more bud post harvest?

    Right on,,,, thats what I was thinking after reading an article on cloning a plant from the flowering stage,,,, but you confirmed it.... thanks for the info
  14. Carolina Thunderball

    Will a plant grow more bud post harvest?

    Heres the situation. I have recently acquired a plant of unknown strain but indica based. It has been harvested and then neglected. There are reddish-brown spots in places with some branches dead. Its been about 2 weeks since my acquisition and I have been caring for it to the best of my...