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  1. BlazinBiz

    help me decide!! (pick between two)

    Those are both very nice pieces...I like the first one the best.
  2. BlazinBiz

    Choose My Next Tube.

    I voted for the WS 7mm...enjoy whatever you choose!!!
  3. BlazinBiz

    picking up shop from scratch. Where is the best market for a cannabis grower/seller?

    Colorado is a great place to live and it has been really exciting watching the medical mj industry grow here. That being said, I don't think you would have any problems getting rid of your "stuff" there seems to be plenty of demand for the green stuff here.
  4. BlazinBiz

    Salvia - quick question.

    Got some "Purple Sticky Salvia" from a head shop. Tried some of it a couple of times and now it has been sitting for like a year. Probably would'nt waste my money on it again.
  5. BlazinBiz

    Count down to the new year!!!!!

    smokin out and shots of tequila...happy new year!!!
  6. BlazinBiz

    Ever Black Out Stoned?

    Years ago i blacked out stoned in my kitchen and busted my head on the open dishwasher door...that shit sucked!!!
  7. BlazinBiz

    how long are you guys high for?

    Yeah, the cookies were delicious, but i doubt he'll do that was some really strong butter!
  8. BlazinBiz

    how long are you guys high for?

    One time we were bakining "special" cookies and my hubby just kept eating them fresh outta the oven. Anywayz, he ate like 10 of those fuckers and was messed for a real long time...
  9. BlazinBiz

    Fuck Domino's Pizza

    Chucky Cheese...Fuck yea!!!
  10. BlazinBiz

    Fuck Domino's Pizza

    The only pizza that was ever worse than Dominos was Big Cheese. Both are nasty.
  11. BlazinBiz

    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    Out here in CO we have medical mj and conceal and carry...yep we love our guns and our mj.
  12. BlazinBiz

    F@!& Nicotine

    Good advice Big P. Cutting back a little at a time helped my success with the gum and it also helped keep me from getting down on myself when i slipped up and smoked. Quitting is not easy no matter how many ways you try, just keep at it until you find what works for you.
  13. BlazinBiz

    F@!& Nicotine

    I know quite a few people who have used Chantix and have successfully quit smoking, the side effects were just too much for me though. I think regardless of what you use it is important at first to try and stay away from smokers as much as possible at first because it takes so much willpower to...
  14. BlazinBiz

    F@!& Nicotine

    No shit, after quitting i can't even pass by a smoker without wanting to gag. It is really hard though, six months later and i still want to smoke, i guess the trick is to keep yourself distracted doing things like hanging out on riu. Still chewing the gum on occasion though.
  15. BlazinBiz

    F@!& Nicotine

    Chantix made me sick and gave me some weird ass dreams. Try the gum.
  16. BlazinBiz

    F@!& Nicotine

    Quit smoking the ports about 6 months ago and i still want to light up. About the only thing that keeps me off the cigs are nice fat joints and the ability to breathe. Still crave those bitches like crazy!
  17. BlazinBiz

    Can you smoke a one paper all to yourself in one sitting?

    Just finished smoking a joint by myself, there is nothing like a joint and watching the snow fall in the rocky mountains to make your day!!!!
  18. BlazinBiz

    How do you go about having BUTT SEX?

    Whatever you do man, just be honest with your girl. No chick wants some asshole just cramming his dick in her asshole, chances are she is willing to try something new with you if you respect her.
  19. BlazinBiz

    :Joint: Tokin'

    Dank Haze and chillin around riu... this is great. There is so much good info on this site and entertainmet as well, it is really addicting and cool to see how others are overgrowing the man out there.
  20. BlazinBiz

    How do you go about having BUTT SEX?

    No abuse, just like to keep life exciting. When you are with the same person for 11 years you have to be willing to try keeping an open mind about things, who wants bordom in the bedroom?