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  1. D

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    For those old enough to remember the words of Fat Freddy (and the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers): "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope..."
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    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    Bummer about the cold D.. Don't know if it is the same with you but when I trim all day the sweet odor from my ladies knocks my sinuses crazy. What helps me is NeilMed Sinus Rinse ($9 at Rite-Aid). It is an 8oz plastic squeeze bottle and comes with these buffer powders. Like a neti-pot on...
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    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    Tristy.. they aren't the same.. Sannie's is great gear, powerful and very popular amongst couchlockers but a longer flower.. I just got some Medi from Amsterdam Seeds (alas I'm not in the same state as DJJ and Hodge) and my order came through ok.. From my reading of other boards it seems...
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    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Thanks for the advice on the mildew, I'll stop the mister.. off to the depot for a fan or two..
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    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    doublejj, Great grow.. amazing size on those girls.. I finally got my Costco Greenhouse (maybe they should start a sub I have one end and side in shade cloth and the top in plastic but am seeing temperatures 90 - 100... The girls don't seem to be struggling (I did put a cheap...
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    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Great video, beautiful plants.. I like the bird sounds.. like a jungle out there...
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    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    >>Funny how...... people offer to help me all the time, over and over, and they seem so happy to offer, to give the gesture..... "anytime" they say....... then I call em up, one by one, and say "whatcha doin"....... they say "nothing, just hanging out"..... and I say..... "wanna come help do...
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    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Ha ha ha..Loving your thread but I'm agreeing with your wife.. I thought the idea of growing outside was using natures power to maximize the plant.. lol.. You are definitely pushing the envelope.. (What about making "little" visqueen tents over the girls for the morning hours to "trap" the...
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG, Thanks for the info on your screens.. Wow.. "struggling to keep them under 9 feet" sounds like a good problem to Would you be interested in sharing your "EXTREME LST and Supercropping" methods? I understand the basics yet everyone seems to have little differences; 3 head...
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Morning VG.. I noticed you posted to doublejj's "Carport Greenhouse 2010" grow about using 6x6 remesh 4 foot off the ground.. Do you do this in addition to the round cages he was putting around his plants or instead...
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Thanks.. I'll give it a shot.. BTW how do you like the solexx? Nice stuff but spendy..
  12. D

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Thanks.. Where do you buy the Cytozyme Lab's soil+? I can't seem to find it locally nor online via Google (by the way your thread is on page three of G for Cytozyme I found their website but not a retail outlet..
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Vg.. wow.. nice tutorial.. stress free transplanting.. You state no perlite "which is a good thing" is this because you don't like perlite or because it would float in the slurry? R
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    VG, Thank you for taking the time to share your 50 years of growing knowledge.. It is very helpful (though the breeding info is over my head atm..) I'm in the 42 latitude and planning my first outdoor grow in a homemade greenhouse.. Question.. I believe I read that you put 4-6 plants in...
  15. D

    Sealed, Water cooled blueberry coco grow

    Great looking harvest Budley.. Would you change anything in your next grow? Resevoir, chiller diy, etc? Thank you for sharing your knowledge.. R