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  1. k311y1

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    about 7 weeks into flowering, i tried to keep it in veg, but it started flowering by itself.:confused: what do you think about the time left
  2. k311y1

    new seedlings falling over

    i put seedlings into a bigger planter, gave water and they seem to be doing a little better one has started to straighten up, hopefully her sisters will follow suit
  3. k311y1

    new seedlings falling over

    [thanks, did that; going to see how they look tomorrow morning time frame
  4. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    [one of the 3 is gone, she did not make it the other 2 I trimmed off the dead leaf material and they are slowly coming back i think we are having a bad cold snap coming in this week and it is all i can do to try and keep the temps stable, I hope they will last
  5. k311y1

    new seedlings falling over

    hello all, I just started some seedlings this past monday. for the first few days they were all happy and growing. yesterday they were all straight, and today when i woke up they were all folded over i am a newbie, but would like some advice they are Blueberry fem seeds, temps are 70-75...
  6. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    just misted them left the 35 and 40w cfls down where they were at 6 inches off the sides of plants raised the HPS up the 3 feet above plants new cabinet is 4'w X 2'd old cabinet was 2x2 both are 6' tall this gives alot more room for airflow, have a high speed air intake, and exhaust fan...
  7. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    thanks for the advice, this is first grow indoors have done a guerrilla grow a time or 3 in the past lost of farms around me to play in, but wanted to try indoors during the winter indyman spray the leaf with water and try to bring up hum and believe it or not mj is pretty good at comin...
  8. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    temps were in the 75-80 range, everything was good till the fan stopped, and it was hot as hell was only hot (90's ish) for about 4 hours but everything started shriveling up no nute issue, they get a little bit of shult's bloom fertilizer once a week, and twice a week watering soil is still...
  9. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    here is a pic from last week, i was so proud at how they had grown that i made them a bigger cabinet murphy's law
  10. k311y1

    fan stopped, think i cooked my girls

    New cabinet, the fan did not come on and the 400w lamp cooked my 3 girls, the leaves are curled but still moist do you think that there is any coming back from this or am i forked? :spew: