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  1. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    ok guys so no one wants to help me out?? come on. lol. gimme some feedback. i know its just bag seeds and not some ak47 or jack herer but come on. i'm bout to post some more pics up and i need info on an exhaust and carbon filter before i put to flower. any suggestions??
  2. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    I'm running 4 23w 6500k CFL's. I'm gonna run 6 or 8 23w 2700k for flowering. I should have gotten the 100w CFL but couldn't find it at 6500k.
  3. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    Ok so I've been researching on how to maximize my yield since it's going to be small plants and I saw a video about super cropping on here. Bending the branches back to allow growth for more buds. It's similar to the LST training but you basically bend back the branches so the light can hit the...
  4. jonvid

    CFL Bag seed grow

    wow man thats looking great!! awesome looking indica. what strain is it? oh and how big are those pots...
  5. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    If I put the plants in bigger pots then I won't have room for all of them in my closet. I'm thinking about transplanting them once I find out their sex so I can remove some pots. Maybe that will give me more room for the pots. How bad of an effect will it be if I leave them in the same pots...
  6. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    Ok so it's really late right now but I've been hangin out with friends smokin. :blsmoke: So I'm wide awake and realized that I haven't updated my journal. So today is 2.5 weeks from seed. All 5 of my babies are up to about 3 inches and are lookin very healthy. Ive been slowing down on the...
  7. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    sweet dude. im subscribed to your thread. nice grow man. looks great so far. im only using 4 23watt cfls so compared to yours mine have quite some time to go. :cuss: from germination, im at 15 days and im only at about 2 inches each plant. i mean growth slowed down because i was over watering...
  8. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    Ok so today I had my babies get a little fresh air. I opened up my windows and let the cool breeze roll in and left the grow closet door open with a big fan aimed at it at a distance. :blsmoke: Only watered once because the soil was still moist all day. Also moved the plants closer earlier like...
  9. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    yeah dude definitely. where's your link?? i'll check it out. and damn i can see my plants growing by the second it seems like.... or maybe im just really baked. hahaha.
  10. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    thanks ribena. i just moved the plants closer to the lights. thing is i have the fans fixed under the light and if i move the lights lower there wont be any air blowing at the plants, just the back of the reflector. i should have thought twice before setting it up this way but oh well. i think...
  11. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    sweet. i'll definitely take a look at the site. thing is i didnt want to order a shitton of seeds cuz im doing this on a short budget. so i bought a bunch of nicks from like 5 dealers and am growing the best stuff i smoked. so yeah. single seed centre can get a bunch of seeds from different seed...
  12. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    @ cylee, let me know how that turns out. im thinking about maybe after this grow going with some blueberry. i gotta grow it for a friends in the marines. lol. yeah even people high in the military smoke. where did you get your seeds?? i was thinking bout ordering off the single seed centre.
  13. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    A lot of people say that it puts too much stress on the plants though. Has it worked for you??
  14. jonvid

    First CFL Grow Bag Seeds

    Ok so I decided to keep a grow journal even though my plants are already at week 2. So I have a closet set up with a lock so no one gets in :mrgreen: Right now I don't have an exhaust fan only intake. They're 4 computer case fans on the side and I have a 6 inch hole on the top for whenever I...
  15. jonvid

    First plant. Need help

    Ok so I just took some more pics last night. They're looking mighty healthy. :leaf: Seem to be growing about a quarter to half inch every day. Looking at around inch and a half so far with one weakling at an inch. From the looks of it I might be growing a sativa, if not a mix. Any help with...
  16. jonvid

    First plant. Need help

    Cool. But how about me having 5 plants in this bitch ass closet. Lol. I mean its decent for two plants but you think I'll be able to keep all 5 in there til veg and then find out what sex they are?? Or bad idea?? Oh and I have 4 23w cfls 6500k. Yeah i moved them closer to the lights right before...
  17. jonvid

    First plant. Need help

    Ok so here's the pics from yesterday. So far they're on their 7th day from seed. Idk about you guys but I think it's growing pretty fast. They're atlready at about and inch and a half. I have 5 sprouted and growing like champs from what I see. I'm just using filtered water now. When would be a...
  18. jonvid

    Is this a male?

    whoever said it was female better feel like a dumb shit. you should do a bit more research dude. thats what i did before i started growing. definitely turns out helpful so you at least don't look like a mega noob.
  19. jonvid

    Is this a male?

    who the fuck voted that its a female. hahaha. i dont know everything but i know for damn sure that fucker is a male. hahaha.
  20. jonvid

    Is this a male?

    There you go. That's the best way. Too bad he's gonna catch a cold. Hahaha.