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  1. W

    The Garden of Weeden

    So amazing... :D
  2. W

    Poor Set-up...

    Yeah that was my mistake... This is my first time.. I just advantage that seeds here is so cheap.. Yeah i transfer them so soon... Any tips on how to transfer them to there own pots? I transfer one but it died..
  3. W

    Poor Set-up...

    Poor set-up from Philippines.. :( Electricity here so expensive.. Im only using Backyard soil & No Fertilizer... I just put them water to be alive... :( I wish they grow good :weed:.. Look the pic..
  4. W

    What is good fertilizer to use?

    Ok thank you so much all...:weed:
  5. W

    What is good fertilizer to use?

    Doing it on Soil... Ok i search there soon..
  6. W

    What is good fertilizer to use?

    Please help me.. Im just new plating weed.. Im so thankful if you answer me guys...
  7. W

    I need Help right here How to transfer my Seedlings

    Ok.. I try this early morning... :D Thank you for helping me.. Anyway, I only use 10W Lamp... What W should i use? Yes i have alot of Seeds cuz its so cheap here in my place..
  8. W

    I need Help right here How to transfer my Seedlings

    Ya.. It was my first time i made a big mistake .. Hmm i tried one already last night maybe i do it wrong... But the one i transfer died today.. :(
  9. W

    I need Help right here How to transfer my Seedlings

    Sorry i this is my first time to plant Weed.. Please help me... I just take the advantage because Weed Seed here is so cheap thats why that happen... I will post my Pic... And please Reply...