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  1. J

    red spider mites

    i will cover tron with plastic garbage bag and pour the co2 to it and continue neem and pyrethum and try the hot shot strips
  2. J

    red spider mites

    I have a red spidermite infection spreading fast. I ordered neem oil and pyrethum spray. I remember reading somewhere about increasing my co2 till it makes it toxic to kill bugs will it work with out harming my cuttings and the mothers that are in my phototron. I have converted my tron to a...
  3. J

    sprayer atomizer

    Has anyone used one of these for growing does anyone talk to strangers?
  4. J

    do you oppose drug testing

    Here is a way to get back. If you have a group of friends the more the better take it you do not need a job or do not want to work at where your going to fail a piss test. Go apply for the job in order one after another use fictious places where you worked most places do not check beleive me...
  5. J

    co2 and budding

    when should i stop putting in c02 its been to long since i used co2 i think last 2 weeks but i am not sure.
  6. J

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    personally i think the the whole doctor patient relationship thing is crap being a herbalist and most of them would be pushing there poison if it would not be legal there. WHO? are they to say wether or not i can use for depression or it just makes me more social. I am 41 and been smoking since...
  7. J

    What timer should i use for c02

    :joint:C02 calculator says 15 minutes on twice a hour what kinda timer can i use. i only have 2 digitals with 8 programs will not work will it and have 1/2 hour increment pull up timers if i use these it would be putting to much in a once right. So what should i use. And do i have to have fans...