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  1. B

    Household nutes?

    cool. thanks.
  2. B

    Household nutes?

    I've got a grow going of 4 bubba kush plants. I had goodluck and 4 out of 4 of the seeds I germinated sprouted. The seeds were given to me (ten in total). This grow is pretty much a trial grow, by no means am I expecting a whole lot if anything at all. I just got bored and needed a little hobby...
  3. B

    PC bagseed grow~christmas weed

    hey man I just tuned in today. Great grow man. I love how you LSTed the circle plant, I'm definitely doing that to mine when the time comes. Sucks about the picks I was looking forward to them...can't wait for the pic you still do have! Good smoking, peace.
  4. B

    5mg oxycodone. ??????

    That's what I do. Mix it with water. Or just chop it up with some vicodin, percs, hell tylenol if its all you got. Damn I envy your access to the white. Is the high different than black tar? Pry just more intense.
  5. B

    Whats your favorite Drug combination??

    an opiate (Either percs, OC, or some ron), weed, and a muscle relaxer. Maybe a zing of meth for an added kick. You really have to be careful but I do em all in pretty small amounts. The body/head buzz is truely heavenly.