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  1. aerogardens

    I have made it this far - Prepara Power Plant Pro

    Sean, The lights I used did fine. I don't know a whole lot about lighting so maybe someone else could answer that one. The grow ended up being Very Good - Still don't know what strain I had - but it was good The prepara I used was this one - it is bigger than the one you linked to...
  2. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    Well guys - I promised I would update you on the other 2 when I thought I knew I am pretty confident they are both females ;) Now I just gotta figure out what strain these may be
  3. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    I am all about the learning! I have learned so much about this process from reading the forum here and all the inputs from different people. We all do different things - and have a right to our opinions. Some things work for one that don't work for another. I really didn't want to start this...
  4. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    Here is a good up close pic of my "single white hair" now that it is cut and I can get a good pic of it
  5. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    Don't curse me now ;) I will update some pics when they get some more detail.
  6. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    He is gone - Really heartbreaking to chop a plant... atleast he isn't my only one again thank you all
  7. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    This lady thanks you!
  8. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    It is a white hair - it popped out several days ago - and I thought yeah female and then that was the only part with one - then a few days ago it got very ballsy
  9. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    He is gone - Pic 1 - I am pretty confident female 2 & 3 - I don't know - and they are different plants Also I have no idea on the strains of these either
  10. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    Thanks Northern Lights. Appreciate the kind help. They do have complete darkness at night. Might take pics of my other 3 to be sure. This should be a simple thing - but I guess when you are a newb you question it. Be back soon with a few more pics
  11. aerogardens

    Do I have a Hermie?

    In the first pic - you can see I got a white pistal on the right side but looks like balls on the other. Is it a hermie?
  12. aerogardens

    Yeah! - My First Sign of Female

    Hahaha ... When I first read - I said Oh Shit. All this researching I have done - I have messed up! Then I googled some of your crazy words. No sense made. So then I looked at your recent post - then I knew you were pulling my leg. I am a newb so I could easily be wrong! ;) Lol
  13. aerogardens

    Yeah! - My First Sign of Female

    Lol - sum good techie bs right there
  14. aerogardens

    Yeah! - My First Sign of Female

    I got my sign of female today. Just a wait to see what my other 3 are going to do. :cool:
  15. aerogardens

    Hello from Michigan

    Hello - welcome - newbie here toooo
  16. aerogardens

    Encouragement for Newbies! - w/ PICS

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am on my first attempt as well.
  17. aerogardens

    I have made it this far - Prepara Power Plant Pro

    They are staying in the Prepara. I just got a cabinet put together for some more growing room.
  18. aerogardens

    I have made it this far - Prepara Power Plant Pro

    Hello everyone. Most definite Newb Grower here. I have pics up in an album - I must thank you all for the information on this site. I have done alot of reading. I am using a Prepara Pro for my first try at...
  19. aerogardens

    everyone look

    Wow - very nice
  20. aerogardens

    Prepara Power Plant Pro

    So far I have had good luck with mine - I just moved into Flowering stage with it. I had older seeds - so I had put a few seeds in each pod and ended up with 2 plants in 1 pod. I did not seperate them in time - but they are doing okay together. I have been keeping pictures of every week to...