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  1. J

    Nitrogen Problem???? PICS INCLUDED

    Thanks for all your advise, i will add some cal/mag and see if they perk up.
  2. J

    Nitrogen Problem???? PICS INCLUDED

    Hi, I think i found what the problem is, I think it's the fogger im using, i read that foggers will do the exact symptoms im having and are only good for clones and young plants so im going to switch to the classic pump and sprayer system which i seem to have good luck with last time. Another...
  3. J

    Nitrogen Problem???? PICS INCLUDED

    Hi Everyone, Strain-Fem. AK-48 Medium-Grodan Cubes with Hydroton Hydro Fogponic Nutramist System Fox Farm Nutes RO Water Lights-MH 1 1/2 ft away with fan blowing between plants and light PH runs between 5.8 and 6.8 Now i don't know if this is a nitrogen def. or toxicity as im new to...
  4. J

    Nutrient issues pics included

    Umm since i am a girl i would have dolls wouldn't i, and stop being so jealous of me ok, at least i can grow SOMETHING unlike you which couldn't even handle growing a brain, and don't get mad just cause you lick mens ball sacks. This is really childish so therefore im gonna be the grown up and...
  5. J

    Nutrient issues pics included

    All this flattery is gonna get you nowhere and you should take notes you fucking fairy cause you wish you could grow even half as good as me you worthless piece of shit so go find some cowboy to fuck in the ass or something and leave the growing to the big boys ok.:hump: and like i said if your...
  6. J

    Nutrient issues pics included

    i heard that in some cases there is like a "trichome boom" where the last two weeks trichomes appear all over , so is this true? or suggestions on what i should do? Thanks
  7. J

    PH problem

    Seriously 20 views and no replies
  8. J

    PH problem

    I have a quick question i hope someone can help with. I know that when your PH goes up and your EC goes down your plants are hungry and PH goes down and your EC up the plants are full but what happens when both go up or both go down, the reason i ask is because it's happening to me,:wall: Thanks
  9. J

    Ph problems please help

    I also forgot to ask, what setting should i have my timer at to run the fogger? right now i have it running 15 on and 15 off, now is this overdoing it? Should i be running like 15 on and 1/2 off or 15 min every hour or something else? All i have is a segment timer in 15 min increments
  10. J

    Ph problems please help

    Ok update, i got a new tub, disinfected it with rubbing alcohol and put fresh RO water in, flushed new hydroton for 2 days and i had a nutrimist fogger laying around so i switched to that instead of of the bulky sprayer/pump system. Now the Fox Farm schedule says 2tsp per gallon of Grow Big and...
  11. J

    Ph problems please help

    Actually thats a good idea about the 2 rez's, im gonna start doing that. I got up this morning and the plants look a little more yellow so im assuming there hungry but the thing that confuses me is usually when plants are hungry your PH goes up and EC down but both are going up and i ran out of...
  12. J

    Ph problems please help

    Im just following the FF schedule and it says to mix grow big and big bloom And everytime i used FF it has lowered my PH and i always use RO water. What do you mean by add only PH corrected nute premix to the rez? like premix it outside the rez? So...
  13. J

    Ph problems please help

    Ok i just got done cleaning everything out and flushed the plants with RO water and cleaned the res. out and put in 1/2 strength mix of Big bloom and Grow big and lowered the light to 1ft and 1/2 and the res temp is between 68 and 70 degrees F. and temps in the room run between 75 and 80F so...
  14. J

    Ph problems please help

    OK no one replied on my last post so someone please help me. Im running the classic rubbermaid hybrid aero/bubbleponic setup with one airstone, six site,fox farm nutes, grodan cubes, hydroton, white widow from seeds, 400watt mh lamp earth juice ph adjuster, hanna combo meter. Now i mixed...
  15. J

    Nutrient measure help

    COME ON, 30 views and no one i need some help here, my PH is going through the roof and my ppm and ec stay the same which is ppm-1160 and ec-2.2 which is probably too high. on my chart it says ppm-1120-1260 an ec-1.6-1.8 but they don't move but my PH keeps going up, im running a nutramist fogger...
  16. J

    Nutrient measure help

    Come on 24 viewers and no one with nothing to say, i know everyone here is probably smarter than me at this
  17. J

    Nutrient measure help

    Somebody please help
  18. J

    Nutrient measure help

    hi everyone i have a question, I'm running foxfarm nutes and i have a hanna combo meter and just started a batch of white widow, now does anyone know if on the foxfarm schedules do they have EC in millisiemens cause my meter runs in microsiemens and know 1,000 millis equal a micro and i went...
  19. J

    Another when to harvest question and splitting calyxes

    Come on now, 11 views and no one with nothing to say to help me, come on i need some advice here please
  20. J

    Another when to harvest question and splitting calyxes

    Hi everyone, i have a few questions on when to harvest here, im looking for more of a cerebral energetic high so i heard your supposed to harvest early when some trichomes are clear, some amber but all mostly cloudy. Now im into my 9th week of flowering and it seems like i keep getting new...