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  1. canny

    is this to much fert?

    got two strains on the go, in the same tank. trainwreck n white rhino,,jus leeched them,im using canna aqua vega unsure bout it?i watering five/six times a day for bout 15 mins is that to much/to little dnt do if that could b the cause,im mixing the nute how it says on the tin,
  2. canny

    is this to much fert?

    can anyne help?im still new to this n was wondering if this is to much fert or a deficiency?a few other things aswel,the roots that apear out of the bottom of the pot r browning didnt no if thats jus because of the air or what??. an also a few discolourings in the leaves.i need all the advise u...
  3. canny

    HELP? first grow plants stunted?

    cheers peeps,wil try a larger pot size,ther is quite alot of roots tryin to grow out through the bottom.still 1 trainwreck is growin ok was planted a week later n is 3 inches taller than the rest:wall: safe for the advice
  4. canny

    HELP? first grow plants stunted?

    im using a 600 hps in a room 1.2x1.2x20 temps roughly 24 humidity bout 40 -50 % grew from using canna aqua vega ph is spot on. 1 trainwreck seems ok ?
  5. canny

    HELP? first grow plants stunted?

    hi,im canny this is my first grow, been about a month since they germinated, ive been growing in expanded clay was growin fine now they seemed to hav stunted dnt no y?not sure how long to water for?4x white rhino 3x train wreck if any1 can help. safe:confused: