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  1. rippengbs420

    please help. leaf tips curling up and brown and yellowing of leaves +rep

    ah i see well ppl on here were telling me it was nute deficiency so i gave them a lil fert last night with some water but not alot... they didnt seem to be worse today they just looked the same.... how do u suppose i go about flushing, sorry im kinda new to all of that.
  2. rippengbs420

    please help. leaf tips curling up and brown and yellowing of leaves +rep

    they are outside plants, and im feeding them miracle grow liquid plant food. and there in pots. i was thinking heat stress but i moved them in my porch were they still get light just not directly and the problem continued so at this point i dont know what to think....
  3. rippengbs420

    please help. leaf tips curling up and brown and yellowing of leaves +rep

    The first pic is from my main female which is doing very nice,the second is from my other female which is very big. can someone tell me what the problem is ?
  4. rippengbs420

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Thanks man, i appreciate it. i think ill try giving them some feed with water and see how the react, i dont want to over do it and burn them that would be horrible!
  5. rippengbs420

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    well ive been feeding it MG and i havnt been feeding it all the time maybe once a week i feed them it with water. im thinking its either a deficiency of some sort or its over use of nutes.. im hoping some one more experienced can tell me?
  6. rippengbs420

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    both my females have either yellow leaves or the tips of almost every leaf turning brown and curling upward.... can someone tell me is this from a nute deficiency or what?
  7. rippengbs420

    yellow leaves!!! whats that mean

    i have one female that is doing very nice except for the fact that most of the tips of its leaves are turning brown or yellow. my other female has the same issue and it also has some yellow leaves can some please tell me what may be causing this?
  8. rippengbs420

    Edges of leaves curling Help please !!!!

    Here is one of the Females the other one has the same problem with the leaves
  9. rippengbs420

    Edges of leaves curling Help please !!!!

    i have two nice healthy females, but i noticed a prob. with them today. the tips of my leaves are curling slightly to a brownish color. is this a nutrient deficiency or could it be from to much sunlight?:confused:
  10. rippengbs420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    yes, im asking because when it shifts back an hour it makes the days 12/12, so thats when they would bud right?
  11. rippengbs420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    i was just wondering because last year i had a plant that i started late in season (i live in FL) and it budded after the daylight time switched but i have two nice plants that have hairs coming out of them... i know there no any were near harvest but the look amazing and one of them is huge so...
  12. rippengbs420

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Hey Fdd, ive been looking at this thread. its great i must say! i have a question about how plants bud outside, do they start budding when daylight savings time ends, or do they just grow into it naturally?
  13. rippengbs420

    to harvest now...or later?

    so i posted this in another section a few days ago i currently have a sativa (some decent bagseed i had) that is been flowering for a while now not exact when but im sure at least 2 months but anyways its suposed to be pretty cold these next few ive looked at the trichs there mostly...
  14. rippengbs420

    Buds Drying Too Fast, Smells Like Hay... Help!

    as texas said and orange peel or lemon peel or whatever fruit you want will give your bud a lil hint of whatever you cure it with..just watch for that mold.. and good luck:joint:
  15. rippengbs420

    first grow.. need help. +rep

    as the chart follows just clear trichomes wont get you high at all and would be a waste if harvested with clear. milky/cloudy get you a up head high and amber trichomes (red ones) give you a more couchlock stone hope this helped.:joint:
  16. rippengbs420

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    well i would give it a few more weeks then look at it.. good luck man:hump::joint:
  17. rippengbs420

    Could You Take a Look at my Trichs?

    looks like you gott a lil ways to go i saw some white pistols still on the plant. you got a scope(30-100x) to look at the trichs with? looks goo tho :weed:
  18. rippengbs420

    Could i harvest now?

    thanks.. and same to you man:weed:
  19. rippengbs420

    Could i harvest now?

    yeah i think im gonna go with the flow for another week at least or so.. yeah i live in florida i started this one kinda late and its my first grow,i plan to just learn from my mistakes cause i know next grow will be better.