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  1. TheManThatCant

    AK-47, Eight Weeks Budding --HELP

    Thank you, thank you! Search utilization will occur, starting now.
  2. TheManThatCant

    AK-47, Eight Weeks Budding --HELP

    ---Magnified image of AK-47 eight weeks into budding. ---- (OUR FIRST GROW) Info: Cloned from Mother, soil, Ionic Bud nutes, one 1,000 watt HPS, and I started flush yesterday (day of photo.) I was wondering if anyone can help me with a question regarding trichomes. (Recently bought a...
  3. TheManThatCant

    MHRB Extraction

    freeze precip is the BEST part! Watching them beautiful crystals form.
  4. TheManThatCant

    Some medical questions

    Anyone got any oppinion? Your input would be greatly valued.
  5. TheManThatCant


    Michigan does kinda suck. Its like a more hillbilly ohio. I live in Detroit metro area. Some crazy crack heads out this way man...BTW all so a Michigan Medical card holder. Thank you THC-Foundation!
  6. TheManThatCant

    Primus Sucks

    I got acid at a primus show here in detroit on their hallucinogenetics tour. They had a giant space man on stage. Amazing night.
  7. TheManThatCant

    Some medical questions

    Okay, about 12 months ago i got busted with some ganja and got diversion program (basicly probation) which I was told would have random drug test throughout my year probation. Well thing is im about to be off of probation on jan 8 and i havent been tested yet. But i got medical marijuana about 3...
  8. TheManThatCant

    A new Michigan patient here to say high!

    Well, I got 2 qualifying conditions under the michigan law. I can get it for GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disorder) and chronic pain. My chronic pain is from getting a pluerodesis (i think its called...) and they fucked up one of my nerves so now all my skin on my neck is numb and where the...
  9. TheManThatCant

    MHRB Extraction

    I recomend doing a STB (streight-to-base) with mimosa. It has allways worked good for me, and this way you can skip the whole acid step and still get just as good of a yeild. You can only do this with mimosa though due to the dmt in the bark is in an acidic form already. Just research alot and...
  10. TheManThatCant

    A new Michigan patient here to say high!

    Its so wierd being a patient under the law now, I have been put in lockup for 3 days in the past. Just doesnt feel real
  11. TheManThatCant

    A new Michigan patient here to say high!

    Hows it going! I just wanted to stop by here and say hi to the community. Im a new patient under the michigan medical marijuana program. Im looking foward to setting up my grow room and im hoping to find good info and help here, while contributing when I can. So yea, I look foward to getting to...