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  1. organic farms

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Soz meant #a #strong strain to start with
  2. organic farms

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    for my nxt grow wanna do a 12/12 grow jus wanted to know a gd strong to start with and what sort of yeild its likely to put out?
  3. organic farms

    Leaves curling. WTF!

    noone seems to reply on here does my nug in nice setup man im growing organically but had same prob i increase my airflow as it was poor and no curling probs but think i gt bugs now ill be putting up new pics soon check it out...
  4. organic farms

    what are some good organic nutes

    man tht stuff really does stink im using organics 2 but how long can u leave the solution mixed b4 it goes funky ? had a solution 4 a week cause only feeding every other waterin and now the stench is overwhelmin?????
  5. organic farms

    New organic first time grow Skunk#1 and random2?

    coming along well now 1" of growth a day!
  6. organic farms

    A-Train 9 days old

    check out my babies !!
  7. organic farms

    New organic first time grow Skunk#1 and random2?

    has any one ever used root juice or bio bizz range jus wanted sum advice and when to start using(is root juice the same as most nutes and u have 2 wait 2 weeks)?? any feed back??
  8. organic farms

    New organic first time grow Skunk#1 and random2?

    using bio-grow and root juice on two in veg plainlil bit of water for the new comers sweet sugaR u might nd to see these to help!
  9. organic farms

    New organic first time grow Skunk#1 and random2?

    hello jus had my first two seds pop their heads above soil and my random plant has grown its first 5 finger leaf growin. keepin temps around 85 but tryin to kep it dwn a little more ,ph is 6.6. tallest plant out the two is 8" tall now any feed back would be brill as the plants growing well...
  10. organic farms

    First grow, 400 watt MH/HPS, bagseed

    two seedlings popped out 2day and me other one starting first 5 finger leaves yer but leves are lookin very veiny ] any feed back?
  11. organic farms

    A-Train 9 days old

    r the leafs cuppin together if they r i read it means the light is to close and their natraul defence jus to cup like if its jus the tips check ur temps i had tht prob tryin sort better ventalation nw
  12. organic farms

    First grow, 400 watt MH/HPS, bagseed

    cheers man gt the ame a big 12" fan blowin on m ybaby guna spray sum fizzy water oon them parrently tht helpsbt there s always conflictin advice cause sum told me to spray when lights on(u might say spray when lights r off bt ben told 2 giv c02 when lights go on Ran rANTrant) also jus sowed sum...
  13. organic farms

    A-Train 9 days old

    cool man im growing unda a 400wtta and wonderin wht u do 4 airflow ? good luck!
  14. organic farms

    First Grow Ever! Flying Dutchmen G Force Feminized

    Nice one man sounds like u gt it sorted, ive had no probs with temps but havent gt extractor sorted so i think my plants are sufferin a bit plus i gt a 400w hps with 12" fan blowing on it to keep temp 83-85f
  15. organic farms

    First grow, 400 watt MH/HPS, bagseed

    i keep my 400 w hps bout 17 in from my plant is tht to far away??
  16. organic farms

    First grow, 400 watt MH/HPS, bagseed

    nice one man wht u doi 4 ventalation and co2
  17. organic farms

    what are some good organic nutes

    jus brought bio bizz range jus wondered when u started using and ur solution? cheers:)
  18. organic farms

    First organic grow..

    soz i am worried bout vent and c02 any ideas
  19. organic farms

    First organic grow..

    same here 2nd week of veg nw tho in bio bizz all mix with bio bizz root juice + bio grow under 400w hps its going quite well not worried bout ventalation + c02 iseem to blow me budget any ideas?? be attaching photos shortly