You really love that cat I see, almost made me cry was so funny. I just wash my cat in the bath tub not very fun for either of us but got to be easier than shaving it's ass. Had to wash it several times lately cause the bastard caught fleas from some woodland creature. Not funny for the cat or...
Very concentrated you use less than say if you were using floranova. I love them but can't say I've used anything else got a good system down and don't want to change it.
It's cheaper just to drywall a portion of a room off than it is to buy a tent, I did it in my old aprt. took four feet off my master bedroom and made a 4x9 area. Cost me less than $200 and thats with a $40 can of paint to match the rest of the room.
If you have 3 1000 watts for a flower room and 1000 watts for a veg room and veg your plants for 11-12 weeks in totes and lst no topping just bending you can get 1 lb to 1.5 lb per plant, one plant per 1000 watter flowering. Next time I go to my buddies shop I'll take pics.
Hydrofarm Daystar super sweet nice broad even foot print. 25 year warrenty on reflective material and it's smooth not dimmpled. It's a very small reflector but don't let it's size discourage you, they make a bigger one the radiant but it actually has a smaller foot print. Plus there cheaper...
He's right it could be the fan. When my room was pollenated, they started making seeds and pushing more hermi's. I cut it down and threw it out, only 32 days flowering.
Look for a hermi, I had a whole room go bad once or twice first thing I noticed was hairs turned brown early then boom hermi's everywhere. Was caused by me not noticing a male flower and it popped and pollenated all the rest which mad them all hermi like crazy it was real weird hope this is'nt...
I dry in my grow room, I got a closet in there the wide type with no door i hung a curtain leaving 6 inches open at the top for air flow and put a fan in there. Takes about 4-6 days to dry but no smell. Had a buddy dry some plants in his bedroom closet and holly molley, I've never smelt such a...
If the people that wrote the constitution where here to today they'd be planning a revolution. Most our rights are gone sadly. Herb hurts nobody and it's just crazy that it's illegal to semi-legal making for some confusing bullshit. If you take the constitution and add to it and add to it and...
Gotta say Clinton, good economy and no wars. I noticed in my lifetime that everytime we get a republican country goes to shit and every time we get a democrat counrty stays the same or gets better. Don't like either really, what would our founding fathers think of this country today? I'm sure...