Ok I wanna take the plant that I have back to seed, can I do this? My idea was to take one out of my room and quarentine it in the garage and make it hermi, then take the pollen from that plant and apply it to a few nuggs in the garden. My question is will I have the same exact plant and will...
Depends on how strong your neem oil was, if your early in flower say 2-4 weeks I would think it would break down before harvest. I hate neem personally, I use dr doom spidermite knock out and pyola which is a canola oil and pyrithrin spray. And allways spray with the lights off with plenty of...
Above 85 is bad in my experience, best way to fix your problem is to run a 6" hose from your intake to an ac and tape it to the grill, cost ya more in electricity but I know it will work and 2000watts in a 8x4 is way overkill and it's not going to help your yield but will more than likely speed...
Doctor doom spider mite knockout if it's a light case if it's real bad use a doctor doom fogger followed up by the knockout you can use it up till 24 hour before harvest but i don't use it the last week. If your still in veg you got plenty of time to get it under control, just remember at 80...
no help? Anyway I got them to burn bright again but I had to dissable the ground with one of those 2 prong to 3 prong adaptors now they work great so i got some sorta electrical problem in the box or something. I think I'm just gonna use the ground on the adaptors and run some copper wire out...
So I moved and I just set up in a bigger room and added a 1000 but when I turned everything on the lights are very dim I can put my hand under the bulb and still see it clearly when I had it hooked up at my old house it would damn near white out my hand. So and Ideas hoping it's not electical...
problem is I get my clones from a pm enviroment and they so no signs of it for the fist 3-4 weeks them boom it's there my humidity is usualy 40 or less but can go up to 50 if it is raining. And I can't find seeds for this strain, so what to do???
running different strains this time but is there any way to get the pm out of the mother my buddy takes clones from or to get it out of the clones I get?