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  1. P

    Idea on cooling my res temps, what do you think.

    Your submersed pump is probably actually heating the water, not to mention if that system is going to see light you are going to introduce bad things into your water supply. 1 or 2 liter bottles of water frozen and swapped out a couple times each day is your most effective and cheap option...
  2. P

    Why Most Pot Sucks!!!! Good Read!

    One of the longest, most pompous and generally full of shit posts ever. Flushing for several weeks with water eh? What a fucking joke. You sir are a legend in your own mind; and there only.
  3. P

    Giant Bagseed bud, Harvest pic...

    Looks like it is 60 percent leaf.
  4. P

    How long until my plants are ready?

    Well is relative, they look pretty terrible to anyone who uses high wattage HPS/MH. Those things have months to go.
  5. P

    I think this is a pretty cool 1200w grow

    Plants don't absorb light on the underside of their leaves, that is a lot of wasted light and not enough all around.
  6. P

    switching from 2 400w to 1 600w...

    7X4 is too big for 600. A 1000 will cover that area.
  7. P

    My fluro growroom. Plz comment

    Don't expect much.
  8. P


    It does not make enough of a difference that you will ever manage to discern.
  9. P

    new growroom trouble. NEED HELP i have a 8 x 8 x 8 basement room need opinons

    Man get rid of that mold first. Creepy. If you have that much now imagine the problems down the road when you add more moisture. Regarding the 600's. Honestly, they are not worth it. If you are going to run 600's run 1000's. The price is often not that much or at all different for the ballast...
  10. P

    Hydroponics/Aeroponics for Very First Grow?

    If you are not capable of drawing a circle then you are too stupid for hydro or aero. Honestly, the only people who have problems are complete and total morons.
  11. P

    3 weeks of flowering no bud

    LOL light leaks. I love it when people say dumb things like "a pin hole of light will ruin your flower!" Do these people realize that, gasp!, there is light at night in the real world?
  12. P

    Need help with cooling and fast! PICS

    I'm sorry but since when did a 4 inch or even larger can-fan cost 300 bucks? Look, you can listen to the guys who hack shit together and end up with various results, you can try to build your own this and that our you can shell out the money, do it right, have no problems and never bitch. It...
  13. P

    Wrong led color stunned growth?

    The growth is stunted because you are using LED's in the first place. Even under the best of circumstances the LED plants look sickly and tiny with very loose and small buds.
  14. P

    Need help with cooling and fast! PICS

    A real fan, a 4 inch can-fan for instance and a real hood that is sealed. With that running you might get away with the otherwise useless fans you currently have venting the remainder of the heat. My suggestion to anyone is that you don't cheap out on hoods, and don't listen to people when they...
  15. P

    How many grams per watt do you get?

    Your light.
  16. P

    Cutting fan leaves

    And not one person has shown that it doesn't. As it is often said in these threads, Mother nature put those fan leaves there for a reason! Yes, just like she gave men nipples and cows domesticated themselves along side of dogs. Anyhow, here is a link to a rose magazine wherein they lay out...
  17. P

    Bubblegum 7 weeks flowering

    Leaves absorb light on their top surface only.
  18. P

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Possible but not for the flouro guys here. Sorry that's just how it works. You will have less yield and less potency.
  19. P

    Day 8 and no signs of roots yet. Please HELP!!!

    Why the fuck did you toss the power clone solution before you had roots?
  20. P

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    1. Don't use rain water. God knows what is in rain water. Reverse Osmosis is generally the best but really in most parts of the country plain ol' tap water is going to be just fine. If you have hard water there are a number of solutions including hard water nutes by many makers including Flora...