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  1. shooter21740

    CFL vs FLORO vs HPS

    alright yea no shit it puts out 150,000 lumens plants can only use so much of that and the only reason i said it was badass is because if u want to save money they have a 6 bulb version useing those 125 watt cfl's and it produces less heat and puts out like 78,000 lumens and thats plenty to grow...
  2. shooter21740

    stealth growing indoors

    yea ok this is some of the simple shit im laying out on yall // i ve been producing since i was 12 so just wait till the next batch is done// but im gonna say yea there are like 8000 different strains so i dont know all of them but i could give u an outdoor way to grow that uve never done that...
  3. shooter21740

    stealth growing indoors

    ok u think its funny but its not im dead fucking serious about what i said/// its also ran on a aero/hydro system that way we used very little space for roots because they did'nt need it/ this is just the top of one
  4. shooter21740

    stealth growing indoors

    alright 1 lb in 3 weeks is impossible but i know of a species that will be done in 9 weeks from seed an make around 40 g only get 18/19 inch. tall
  5. shooter21740

    stealth growing indoors

    no im not a spamer or selling anythang alright u want me to say some thing i built a friend of mine a grow chamber 2ft deep 3 foot wide and 5 ft tall with a 2 bulb 250 watt system pushing 21,000 lumens. it was built for 6 plants that produced around 5.3 lbs
  6. shooter21740

    CFL Wattage

    alright yall i found a 125 watt cfl system that puts out 10,500 lumens this is a single bulb there are also multi bulb systems p.s. this one is a budget system
  7. shooter21740

    Jethro's Stealth CFL Closet Build and Grow

    i found a single 125 watt cfl that put out like 10,500 lumens look on
  8. shooter21740

    CFL vs FLORO vs HPS

    just found your thread and i wanted to say they have a 125 watt cfl that is bad ass it puts out a lil over 10,000 lumens
  9. shooter21740

    CFL Wattage

    alright if ur gonna use cfl' s u might wanna use the 125 watt cfl it puts out a lil over 10,000 lum go to and ull find the best cfl' s for ur money
  10. shooter21740

    stealth growing indoors

    alright im new to this place but i have info some might need
  11. shooter21740

    Using compact fluorescents to flower?

    Not to be rude but i have seen a single plant produce 1 pound an 6 grams of fine white widow bud under a single 200 watt cfl 13,000 lumens in a closet its all in the way the person grows
  12. shooter21740

    do i really need this much light?

    hey theres a solution to ur prob high output flouros 5000 lumes a 4 ft bulb and only runs 52 watts a bulb also low heat