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  1. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    green trees patented this design back in 1992 and held on to it for 17 years. no other company could copy it or make improvements on the designs and whatnot. just speaks volume about the hypocrisy in US patent and copyright laws. i got couple of hangnails from inserting the...
  2. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    it's been a while since i was on this thread. because i don't have the time to set up this thing whoever designed the plastic fittings, doesn't know what they are doing. the grommets and connectors feel like they are out of spec; backside of grommets slips off easily it's not even funny. the...
  3. H

    The Equalizer vs. Super Spreaders

    If you could be so kind to provide us with your lumen readouts from the 5 different hoods tested, I would be forever grateful ;o) as far as reflectors are concerned, the size of the vent hole often times have a negative effect, if you really wish to be scientific about it to the point of being...
  4. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    thanks to all of you early adopters for the wealth of info provided to me. i was supposed to get try this new kind of ebb and flow last year, however i'm somewhat glad i waited this long. Now that there are so many choices on the market, even vapor products like sentinel's system ;D More...
  5. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    thanks for the info smokingrubber i just wish the guys running local hydro stores know as much as you do =P highly doubt they know anything about cap's ebb n gro design revisions if i go in there asking them for the new buckets they gonna look all clueless hydro store people needs to be as...
  6. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    hi smokinggrubber. i have clearex (which is bs it's just water with some sugar/dextrose) and hygrozym, and i can fix any issues that arise should it be fusarium pythium algae root rot; but that's besides my point. years ago i switched to a strategy that emphasizes the importance of problem...
  7. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i went shopping for ebb n gro today, local store didn't have it in stock they'd have to special order it. they said they have cap's new ebb monster in stock, i ended up going home without buying either. so now i'm reconsidering my decision to get the ebb n gro. apprently the new ebb monster has...
  8. H

    1000w 1st Grow- Grape Ape in Cap Ebb & Grow

    ok let me try to put things into perspective here. if the buckets are 9" in diameter and height, your tallest plant is about 10 inches? i dunoo if you can raise the inner buckets and still have it flood your hydroton n rw, but i recommend you either do that or trim off the bottom branches...
  9. H

    1000w 1st Grow- Grape Ape in Cap Ebb & Grow

    sure thing, answer my questions please thx you still got a long way to go, best of luck to you
  10. H

    1000w 1st Grow- Grape Ape in Cap Ebb & Grow

    u can go straight to 12/12 should you wish to flower. what demension are the inner and outter pots? what's the depth of the inner pot, can u fit anything larger than a 2x2x2 rockwool cube in it? first, pH drifting up is a good thing when it's within range. it indictates there's less chemical...
  11. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i'm scanning through page after page can't seem to find the info i'm looking for i'd like to know, what's the maximum number of bucket sites this system could support? if i were to purchase lots of 6 sites extensions, would i be able to expand the cap n gro into a 80 bucket system? perhaps even...
  12. H

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    nice thread. i'm looking forward to try this waterculture/floodtable hybrid. here's my question, how does this system stack up against its competition? i've seen on ebay some knock off bucket systems, some of them claim to have improved feature set; then there's the sentinel mef1, and the...
  13. H

    Growlab Tent 1000w with Fox Farms

    looks like the yield is on the low side, but that's expected from those strains (LAC and KB were are mid to good yielders but this is organic soil) those organic buds look amazing though. good grow.
  14. H

    Growlab Tent 1000w with Fox Farms

    the current generation of digital/electronic ballasts works but their performance outweighs their price by a ton. if you have a good mag ballast do not replace it with digital ballasts. the marginal benefits are lost on the crazy price premiums. they'll use up like 30 fewer watts, an...
  15. H

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    wow it's been over a year already
  16. H

    Growlab Tent 1000w with Fox Farms

    frosty~ good grow