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  1. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Hi ecs@live! The GHE DutchPots fots snugly. Ive got the regular Homebox XL so yes, it fits... And 1bmm & 420god, the sulphur burning killed the milldew, but sadly also the plants (partly) but it could also have been because of the pump failure. The Hydro system is going strong though :D
  2. W

    Hard Time choosing between GHE systems. please help

    Id go for the Dutch pots, im using them atm. Checkout my grow log.
  3. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Hmm just had some mega problems with the soil. Apparently my water pump broke, so my baby's were without water for at least 5 days... So what I did I gave them triple the amount of water they usually get, replaced the pump and then went on with the mildew treatment... So, the mildew treatment...
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    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Just noticed some fucking milldew on the soil grow. All plants infected. That sucks. Ill be burning some sulphur soon to get rid of it.
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    3 month old veg plants ... how to flower

    Sorry for not replying in such a long time. What did you end up doing with the plants?
  6. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Some hydro pics again :D I did a refill and now im almost out of nutes, and my hydro shop decided to not sell this stuff anymore. Shall I order online or can I change nute brands midseason?
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    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Here is the soil, buds are coming along nicely :D
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    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Some pics of the hydro :D EC @ 1.6 and PH @ 6.5. Ill do a res change in a couple of days i guess...
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    MASSIVE outdoor grow (feedback = +rep)

    Hey kiwiskunk! Thanks for stopping by. If you treat a female plant which is flowering with colloidal silver it will produce feminised seed. Colloidal silver is a chemical made from silver, water and electricity ;)
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    MASSIVE outdoor grow (feedback = +rep)

    Thanks for the pointers Scar! The place where im growing is pretty much remote so I doubt anyone will ever go there. I found it by going to a place where noone ever goes and then picked out a nice field with grassy stuff. Sensi seeds sounds good, but ive also heard about Iranian Autoflower, is...
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    MASSIVE outdoor grow (feedback = +rep)

    Dear RIU members. I have a 70 by 90 meters (about, give or take some) field I have my eye on for a grow. Im planning on making it full. You cant get there unless you take a boat trough some small streams, so its pretty camo. Ive staked it out last year and there is not a soul who goes there...
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    Club 600

    Allright guys, by suggestion of 1badmasonman I decided to join the 600 watt club :D I have 2 of them running, one with a digi ballast and 1 with a Philips magnetic one. Both my rooms ar 4sq ft and 1 of them is filled with just a soil system and of them with hydro in bato buckets aka "Dutch...
  13. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Thanks for the encouragement guys! Here are some pics from the soil :) I refilled the res with some water and Terra Flores from Canna,
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    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    sigh... still no interest? Should I just stop posting till I have big budporn to show? Vegging isnt that interesting I guess...
  15. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Some hydro pics. Res was almost empty so I topped it up with nutes and water and then ph balanced to 6.3 again. Some bud development is going on, but its going a bit slow... EC is @ 1.5 now. Nutes were done 3-2-1 again. (boom-micro-gro).
  16. W

    New “cash based” business franchise & questions

    You want to sell a "franchise" for 300k? Dude, all you are selling is an idea. For it to be a franchise it needs to be an idea _AND_ it needs to have made a name for itself. I know you will say 'but my idea is really good', then id say patent it...
  17. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    The lights were haging to closely to the plants now so i adjusted them to 1ft again. Hope that takes care of the jagged leaf edges! Hydro PH @ 6.3 and EC @ 1.6, so it seems to be ok. I dont like the PH rising so much but It happens all the time. Maybe I didnt wash the gro-rox enough before...
  18. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    So, here is a small photoshoot of my soil setup with some top shots so you can see that its a real SOG :D You can tell that the fimming worked out great hehe. Also, 420god, i agree that hydro is alot of measuring, but I really love the fact that I can reuse my grow medium there, since I dont...
  19. W

    Let's add an "LED Growing" sub-forum! Vote Now!

    YES! We need a LED grow forum, so we can actually see how LED's perform. Im sick of digging trough old threads which give no info at all, so to have it organised would be better imho. +rep
  20. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Yeah, I couldnt be assed to fix the whitebalance on my camera ehehe. EC is still @ 1.6 but the PH went up to 6.7 so i corrected that to 6.0 again.