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  1. OnIslandTime

    The only real munchies.

    You gotta try making them with cocoa crispies and chunky peanut butter. Or they taste pretty good with fruity pebbles
  2. OnIslandTime

    Poll: What Would You Do In This Situation?

    Even though I am a female, I would call 911 and try to help the victim. It seems as though in a lot of situations similar to this one, nobody wants to be the "first" person to do anything, but once someone makes the first move, then others will also help. All of those people who just stood there...
  3. OnIslandTime

    Favorite Movies While High

    Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Requiem for a Dream Rockers Pink Floyd the Wall
  4. OnIslandTime

    No cumming for a month.

    Why would you wanna do something like that? I couldn't last 3 days
  5. OnIslandTime

    Working at my husbands family business, I have been here a little over a year now. I don't think...

    Working at my husbands family business, I have been here a little over a year now. I don't think I will ever move back to the states
  6. OnIslandTime

    The "Explain your name" thread

    I live in Jamaica...everone here is on island time :)
  7. OnIslandTime

    Have you ever felt like a whore??

    For the most part I hang with family. Seems nowadays that is all you can trust.(and sometimes not even then) My husband is my smoking partner and best friend. Him and my kids...I don't need much more than that
  8. OnIslandTime

    price/weight of bud

    It's what I am smoking right now:blsmoke:
  9. OnIslandTime

    Favorite Thing to do While High

    sex,swimming,eating(way too much),getting a massage
  10. OnIslandTime

    Best Food When High

    I can't believe nobody has said freeze pops. mmmmmm Saltfish fritters raw sugar cane coconut water quenches my thirst like nothing else
  11. OnIslandTime

    price/weight of bud

    I haven't bought anything that small in years
  12. OnIslandTime

    Hello :)

    Yes I do live in Jamaica. It's beautiful. I am not a sir though :)
  13. OnIslandTime

    Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!

    I only have 2 posts and I have already had 1 person pm me and ask if I want "cyber" and another one ask if I have a boyfriend. Do people even call it "cyber" anymore? Seriously...lock your door so your mother doesn't barge in,light some candles, turn on some porn and Barry White, and rub one out.
  14. OnIslandTime

    Hello :)

    Just wanted to introduce myself. Hello everyone :)
  15. OnIslandTime

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    This was an actual headline in one of the newspapers down here. Guess it was a slow news day