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  1. R

    Should I be Worried

    Looks normal to me. Mine do the same. Maybe a touch of OVER watering. IMO By the way, your second pic is upside down! :wink:
  2. R

    Day 27 into flower, just noticed this! :(

    Yeah, my original thought as well, Bob. I'm thinkin of just moving watering tube about an inch or two back form stalk. Do you think this would make a difference? I do not have way of restricting flow of pump, so this is all I could think of. I actually do have drip emitters for water/feeding...
  3. R

    Day 27 into flower, just noticed this! :(

    Day 27, noticed leaves drooping on bottom(ONLY BOTTOM) of plant. I have use the the same watering method(Top Feed Hydro/constant drip 24/7) since seedlin, all through out veg. So my original assumption from start. looks like overwatering! I just dont seem valid. Now I am stumped!!!! Please any...
  4. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    2 days later... Growth spurt in flowers finally takin off! :) this would be day 26 of flower. I have takin some of the shoots and wire tied the closer to stalk. To bring them closer to lights, and give lower shoots more chance at light. I am happy. Sorry guys, didn't realize caps were on. Any...
  5. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Sorry guys, MY BAD! Today is actually day 24. Dont know where I got day 27 from. Maybe I should grow more, and smoke less! :)
  6. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Ok, it's been about a week from last post! Little more, I guess.( :bigjoint: ) Let me see, OK, 27th day of flower! (I have learned throughout my experience. Harvesting on cirtain amount of days is unreliable. Just give's you a time frame of harvest! Trich's tell you everything!!!!) <<< Only...
  7. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Just wanted to update! 5 days from last post. This must, just be how Hydro grows! FAST AND BIG!!!! I'm still using CFLs, and I believe I will just continue too! They are doing a great job. These plants are growing fast, big, and healthy! What more could you ask for? If it ain't broke , don't fix...
  8. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Well my friend, what do you think of my update of a CFL Grow pic? If this don't sell you, then I give up! LOL This plants growth spurt is just normal growth for this plant I guess! I Posted 2 days ago, and here is today! :) I think you may have something there with that dresser! Looks...
  9. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Last Post, 3 days ago. Here's this morning, when I got all timers adjusted right! (Thought I had, good thing I was in there when it went off! 12/12 right, time of day I forgot about.) DAH!!! Details, I tell ya! Any how. I was browsing Craig's List and thought what about keyword HPS! Sure enough...
  10. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    LOL, Your right! I did not quite do that, but even if I had done that. Look it still pulled through! hehe! Yes, it is a girl! ......Yippy! :) Thanks guys for tuning in! See ya soon.....
  11. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Just to show you the never ending growth spurt I am referring to. Look at the last pic I posted yesterday(NEXT TO LAST), and the pic from this morning! :hump:
  12. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    Thanks for tuning in reggaerican. I will be updating probably twice a week. My original plan was once a week. These plants just are just going through a growth spurt that is not stopping! :) I can say going from soil to hydro, is like learning all over again. Yeah the principals are the same...
  13. R

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    This link, if anything has been totally entertaining! Just out of curiosity, How long has it taken to get to this point? I will give you one thing, and that's for sure! You have determination! :clap: LOLz
  14. R

    First set up build! What do you think, and some ?s

    >>> IT'S A GIRL! :) <<< Here is link to Grow Log. We are switching to 12/12 today, after you see the pics in new thread, you will see why! :) Here I will keep weekly pics of progress. Thanks guys for tuning in with me...
  15. R

    ~ First Hydro Experience, Blueberry ~

    OK, I will post pics up to this point. Which will be first day of flower! Veg state is boring for me, yet exciting when determining sex. Today my best baby sprouted pistils every where! So I am back on again!!! :-P Up until this point, I have used soil. This will NEVER happen again. That is just...
  16. R

    Hmmmm, HELP, Does this look like Hairs to you?

    >>> IT'S A GIRL!<<< Thanks PaulaBee! ;) But There is No confusion now! I have around 6-8 Calyx's with wonderful Pistils popping up all over this morning! This does serve as a dilemma tho! I have 5 others that are NOT ready! OK, well here lies the problem. I only have one light source that I...
  17. R

    Hmmmm, HELP, Does this look like Hairs to you?

    This pic is just a touch better!
  18. R

    Hmmmm, HELP, Does this look like Hairs to you?

    Ok, My camera is NOT the best. I took several pics to try and get it right! So plz work with me here on Pic quality! OK, I have grown this Blueberry strain before! These are the same seeds from last grow! (Which I have hundreds :-P) The difference is , the last grow was soil, this one is Hydro...
  19. R

    First set up build! What do you think, and some ?s

    Just a few more pics.... You can see where I was having problems dialing in on nutes. I think I have done OK so far with them! One picture shows the stem. I would compare it to, say a little fatter then a pic pen. There are 13 nodes as this minute! Notice, I say this minute! LOL I may just start...
  20. R

    Yellow/Brown SPOTS on leaves?

    That looks similar to a spider mite problem I had once!