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  1. Trek n Toke

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone, Just introducing myself. I'm a 21-year-old computing student from the UK. My hobbies include gaming, watching movies, reading, listening to and DJing electronica (especially the harder stuff), and of course smoking the herb. Please check out my first-time grow journal, located...
  2. Trek n Toke

    Trek 'n' Toke: First-Time Grow

    Hey all, Just noticed that there's a rule about not posting in people's journals without permission. Well you all have my permission, post away! I also noticed there is a separate forum for grow-journal discussion, so if I'm supposed to start a discussion thread there please tell me and I will...
  3. Trek n Toke

    Trek 'n' Toke: First-Time Grow

    Intro and Background Hi to all of my fellow ganja-lovers! First things first, I'm new to the forum so I should introduce myself. I'm a university student, a gamer, amateur DJ, and a habitual cannabis user. The idea behind this grow first emerged when a friend gave me some seeds, which I...