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  1. P

    Question about soil drainage

    I have a propagator that uses coco pucks as a medium and a small hole at the bottom of the container. There are about 30 cups on the tray. I used a heating mat and dome and when I went to pull the pucks I had about 18" of roots that worked down through the hole and into the bottom of the water...
  2. P Will not stand behind their Products

    I know this is dated, but my experiences with was pretty much the same as the op. I had ww/crystal/ice combo. The ice I jacked up and ruined, my loss. Not a single crystal seed opened and out of 10 white widow, I wound up with 2 females 1 of which is at least a 13 week...
  3. P

    Holy Water

    Let me try and clear up some confusion before anyone else attempts to slap me around. Facking retard. First of all, there is no way you can convince me that small amounts of chlorine are harmful to plants. I know of lots of growers that use nothing but tap water and lots more still that use...
  4. P

    Holy Water

    I say bottled water, it wasn't. It was water in a 5 gallon bottle that I had stuck air lines into and an air pump. I was bubbling the chlorine out and would then put the cap back on after a few days and keep till I needed it. What it taught me was that I was over complicating this process.
  5. P

    Holy Water

    Starting my second grow after a tumultuous first grow this past week. I ordered quality seeds this time, but right out the gate I got algae. I had been saving 10 gallons of what I have been calling holy water. I have 2, 5 gallon jugs of tap water that I had been bubbling for months now...
  6. P

    Do T5 HO's fit into this sub-group, if so....

    Where I live doesnt allow for garage growing so I am having to move into my closet. I have a great closet, it;s just near the back door. Go figure. The space is evenly divided so how perfect for me to have a full time minifactory going. I think T5 HO's are my solution. Wouldnt they be...