Well 4k is 143 oz or there abouts from 6x600w lights going for 1g per watt that's roughly 129oz so that's a short fall of 14ish oz with a good set up good environment and happy plants and a good strain 4k + could be achieved from 6x600lights so it's not a dream js
Ideally I would like to make my own lol I'm trying find some where in the uk to get tricontanol from then I would just use that mixed with some seaweed extracts
I just ordered my massive and finisher
But I'm always searching the net and came across mbferts they do a hormone vit boost that's $19.99 it's used at 7.5 mill a gal but me being in the uk I have no idea if they ship here or if it's even worth it after the shipping fees etc
But it looks like...
I'm just about to get some massive and finisher
So with these do you add a pk booster ? Or not I was gonna use a pk9/18 and maybe some shooting powder at the end
Just goes against everything I know about growing not to increase pk in flower lol they must have pgr's in there products idk really but everything I have seen and read about gp products is good tbh so I'm give it a go and ill report back
Yeah I'm getting it too just from there fees guide ain't no pk boosts just the massive and finisher I've read you can use massive from last week of veg and also use the finisher from week 2 flower all the way threw so it keeps the buds hard. all the way threw the flower
We'll this has satisfied my curiosity lol I've searched the net and can't find anything on it just the odd person saying its good any at all have experience with gp massive ?
Ok so I'm thinking of changing my nutes been using them for years house and garden I used to use all there stuff but switched out top shooter for Buddhas tree pk8/19(really good product )
So now this is what I'm planning to use
H&g coco a and b
Seaweed extracts
And super thrive
Ok so it's been some time since I've been on here
My question is
Green planet massive can you use pk booster with it ?
My planned line of bites are
H&G coco base
GP massive
Buddhas tree pk 9/18
H&G shooting powder
And maybe gp finisher or shoguns dragon force
I've been using h&g products for...
well out of the 4 green house exidus cheese i had one must of been hurmie and at 7weeks flower was starting to produce small seeds
2 of the 4 had some seeds
1 of the 4 riddled in seeds
and the last one had no seed
the culpret
the 3 chopped down ladys
1 still left just hope...