well ill be the test guinea pig and keep ya informed gonna start em on it next feed
so as i take it you stop feeding them all other nuts and just feed them ripen 5ml /l
or am i wrong
they are greenhouse exdus cheese plants done in clay pebbles in an aquafarm
used house and garden start to finish
was gonna start using gh ripen next week for the last couple of weeks then flush for last week
i very close to finish 4 green house exdius cheese from seed and all of them have different bud formation and have slightly differnt smells also one smells very lemony
i wanna grow somet different than cheese everyone round my way bangs on bout cheese and blue cheese i wanna grow somet that will shut them up and put them on there arses any ideas
im an indoor grower in hydro
any help in pointing me in a direction will be appricated
how long do you think these have got left
think im on week7 or week8 but ive kinda lost count lol
should i start flushing or leave it another week or do you think they got longer