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  1. S

    False peyote?

    K so i wanna know if anyone has tried false peyote (Ariocarpus fissuratus), also known as living rock. I stumbled across it on bouncing bear botanicals. I guess its a slow growing cactus kinda like peyote. so yea does anyone know if its worth getting? I'm interested to find out couse i think id...
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    best lsa extraction?

    sorry if this has allready been asked but whats the best way to extract lsa? i just got about 100 HBW seeds and i've allready checked erowid but i want the opinoins of people who have sucessfully done it. Any help would be great. thanx
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    Yet again Salvia

    yea dude if u want that out of body experience for a lil while salvia will do it. id still stick the the 40x atomi (actually 10x) just to see what its like. shit fucks with like crazy for a bit. i dunno about doing that 60x shit first time. although id love to try something that strong now after...
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    Yet again Salvia

    yea dude. the purple sticky kind is the only kind i can get at the local head shop. i"ve only gotten the 10x stuff and its pretty sweet
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    If I rip off the Salvia leavs off the Salvia plant would I be able to trip?

    few things. Salvia rarely produces viable seeds, therefore u have to be carefull where ur getting the seeds from couse they could be bogus. So usually its better to get clones or buy a plant. Secondly using salvia is way different from weed or anyhting else for that matter. Its not a party drug...
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    Morning Glory Seeds?..

    k so then what the best step by step process for extracting the LSA other than the erowid one
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    nutmeg trip

    yea thanx. i think i'm gonna use the basement shaman site. And yea ive tripped before but thanx for the insight
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    nutmeg trip

    shit i'll just stay away from em then
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    nutmeg trip

    so the bad outweighs the good then?
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    nutmeg trip

    I did some reading on it and now im pretty curious about it. i guess it takes a long time to work but then u trip balls and then feel like shit for a while later. Any one ever tried it? if so was your opinion good or bad?
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    shroom nausea

    is there anyway to avoid the nausea associated with mushrooms?
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    check this sh*t out

    I may be relatively new here but i recall going over the original question proposed in this thread in a plant bio class i took. Here goes my understanding of the subject. There is much speculation as to which hormone actually causes plants to flower. However the most common belief is that the...
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    blacklights as a lighting source???

    yea dude maybe i'll just do that. is it true tho that black light miss the correct spectrum of light for growning tho. i don't plan on using them i was merely curious. i appreciate any insight
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    blacklights as a lighting source???

    i heard that black lights work for growing canibis. is there any validity to this or is this toatally wrong???
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    ok yea i kinda figured it would be someting like that. i do believe i will be able to continue at school the more i think about it. my next question is this: one of my plants leaves are pointing strait up. what is causing this and what should i do to fix this because i don;t believe this to be...
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    yea and then maybe aliens will come down and shoot lazer beams to make them taste like apple pie when u smoke it. lol invisiblility cloak would be nice but i am more concerned with something more realistic. if theres nothing that will help them do beter other than keeping them healthy then that...
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    this may sound dumb but what do i do witht he molasis/ rum and why would that make them grow faster?
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    thanx for the insightfuysi appreciate it. worse comes to worse i'll grow a little at school. and if this does not turn out the way id like it too i'm not too worried because this is as much and experiment as a way to get some bud. i may try that milk idea but is that any better than a weak...
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    well move in day for me is the 3rd of september. so that would be the cutoff at home but i believe i could continue to grow for a short time at school. if its not possible to flower before the third would keeping it in veg till the third then flowering it for a few short weeks at school work?
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    how to make plants grow quick as possible

    yea thats kinda what i figured. i'll just do the best i can with the time i have . worse comes to worse i'll grow at school for a small preriod of time if really needed however i'm tryign to avoid that. i apreciate the insight tho. i also have another question. is it bad to put the plants on a...