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    THC and CBD Killing cancer cells

    JayTrinity Long Hair Short Hair Don't make no damn difference onct the god damned haid's blowd off I always say reek on!
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    Can we stop with this "medical" marijuana crap?

    KDH here is some of what is going on and why you aren't where you should be right now, and maybe a bit of midwest news for the rest of alla you hard cores ha ha ok, we got a core of unelected cops in state and federal government. they are who Actually runs a whole lot of this entire country...
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    Minnesota medicinal

    pawlenty suck my balls! he vetoed you even after you got clear thru the mn legislature. do not trust your board of pharmacy. they have been handed our iowa plan by one of you who trusts them too much and they promptly tried to get the mn legislature to make it impossible to reschedule there...
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    ur post just paid for the price of my admission to the site lol coool idea. ever hear of using furnace water to CO2 the roots with? it's free if you use a high efficiency gas central heat furnace... but this? this Rocks haa ha I love it!
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    drooping clone leaves. Overwatered??

    I'm doing my first clone run, too. the half leaves are shown in lots of tuts. I did it just today. how long before the roots might poke out of the grow cube?
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    "Artificial Virginity Device" The new Rave!

    it's like, "MY bong is bettern yers.... which one has the pot? after that its all in the mind...orrr the blood bag eww
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    Anyone use the ozone jr?

    get it because it is going to work for many years and is plenty right for a 6x6. you can about expect to have to turn it off some with a timer. use a cheapie timer as the jr draws very litttle power. ozone can negatively affect yer weed if you get it too concentrated in the same room. ideally...