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  1. 7

    Believe It Are Not?!

    I dont get you explain
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    man how many people that have aids cancer that think there gona die from that die from something else car crash,murder, plane crash hell i dont know you chose. my point is shit is fun living man nothing we know of could last forever. but hell at lease we can get hi slow down and enjoy the ride...
  3. 7

    The End Of The World?

    Has anyone ever noticed that alot of the end of the world movies there is a black president? I believe 2012 the movie has yep you guessed it a black prez. Now my point is well what the fuck is that all about to begin with. And then could that be a sign from the cosmos to prepair us for the end...
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    Believe It Are Not?!

    i know and you have a hard time with god the devil, easter bunny,santa and the tooth fairy
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    Believe It Are Not?!

    dont be afraid we both posted today i havn't been hi today
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    Believe It Are Not?!

    I just had the strangest thing happen to me and no im not high. I was posting a thread called Devils Weed it was long and well written out thread asking some questions to hopefully spark conversation. so when i went to post it i couldn't for what ever reason. the strange part is some one else...
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    Why God?... Why?

    i think this person is saying we are going to destroy ourselves; just by thinking it so.
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    3 weeks and counting

    What do the seeds look like when they are germinated and ready for the dirt?
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    3 weeks and counting

    wow ok so putting seeds right in the dirt wont work for weed? how weird is that?
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    3 weeks and counting

    o ok never mind i c what you were saying.
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    3 weeks and counting

    huh? did you finsh your thought?
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    3 weeks and counting

    ok thanks for the input i tried to germinate before im not sure if i did it right step by step how would you say i need to do it?
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    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    are you talking about the zombie pic up above where god or jesus is getting eaten that was cool but way weird
  14. 7

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    since your a lady try this one "when my bush is burning it doesn"t ever talk to me." good luck in your search for your tatto,your truth,your god.
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    Funny God Jokes

    that shit is funny where was he at, when the gun man let loose at fort hood last week lol man you cant make this shit up
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    Why God?... Why?

    lol you are right see how it all links together man we create what we want in this life
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    Why God?... Why?

    calm down let us all breath along with you for the love of god lol
  18. 7

    Why God?... Why?

    sorry man but is god out there or, are you your own god has he talked to you lately thru a burning bush? naw no kidding didn't think so guess what your on your own and have been since day one. fuck it be you own god.
  19. 7

    3 weeks and counting

    hey out there i planted my seeds about 3 weeks ago nothing has come up should i be concerned 3wks 3 seeds and nothing has popped up yet any ideas