Search results

  1. watajob

    1000w DWC Trainwreck/Bluetooth scrog

    What happened with this grow? What was the total weight? That bluetooth grew wildly ha
  2. watajob

    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    Ha.. no doubt bro. i wish i could have my avatar rotate through all the pixxx i took of that girl
  3. watajob

    My first indoor grow! Hybrid recirculating DWC whatchamachalit w/ pics

    You will want your mother to be from soil :)
  4. watajob

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Yup... completely understood. I'll be along for the ride on this one.
  5. watajob

    400W Alaskan Thunderfuck SCROG

    Great Scrog, great setup. great journal..REP+ I love when i browse these forums and see someone writing intelligently, and going into detail. Questions- Do you have another water reservoir? Or do you just have those two tubs with air rocks in each? No water pump? and what are those white...
  6. watajob

    How much yield will I get from this?

    20 pounds..
  7. watajob

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Subb'd and rep. I am also a michigan medicinal patient. I'm excited to see these girls grow. I really like your setup. I have 4 solid soil grows under my belt, and one hydro. I used bubbleponics four pods/ 20 gall. rubbermaid. This next grow im thinking about imitating your idea or...
  8. watajob

    My first indoor grow! Hybrid recirculating DWC whatchamachalit w/ pics

    This grow is very similar to my first indoor grow. I had two totes. one had four pods with hydro rocks, and the other had six. The problem i found with this was spacing. The inability to get light to all of the plant, and the plants can't grow to their potential when being so close together...
  9. watajob

    Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .

    sub'd. i really appreciate the clean setup.
  10. watajob

    GuerrillaGreenery 600w Organic Student Garden!!!!!!

    nice grow man... subscribed. more pics of the setup. Lighting. i would like to see it.
  11. watajob

    toshould i cut the top off this thing? pic

    awesome job though man.. for the 1st time.. glad to see u didnt half ass it
  12. watajob

    toshould i cut the top off this thing? pic

    why did that happen? i know its noob to ask but, what made that so tall? just reaching for the 1000w or what?
  13. watajob

    The 1000w Club

    awesome.. this 1000w thread convienced me to spend my tax return on a 1000w.. thanks peeps..PF420 i honestly cant wait to see those bitches grow..
  14. watajob

    Tips of early leaf sets turning yellow?

    i have had the prob a ton. You are fine.. as long as your new growth is coming in nice.. ur set :)
  15. watajob

    4th grow, 1st 400 watt hps and lst grow

    awesome job bro
  16. watajob would appreciate ur input brooo
  17. watajob

    BUBBLEponic/soil Closet grow

    round 2 at my cribooo :bigjoint: *2 bubbleponic setups me and my friend constructed. The one on the left have been in veg for one month..24hr lights. water every 15 min. That is just one 18 gallon tub. 4 pots. chronic bagseed. *the setup on the right has another thin rubbermaid as a...
  18. watajob

    Leafs pointing straight up....

    its alright..ur going good..
  19. watajob

    First (CFL) Grow Bubblelicious(Nirvana-seeds)

    what CFLs, and what does ur fixture look like? ...jw