put a giant rat on somebodies stomach, put a steel bucket on top of the rat and heat. rat digs through person :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
I am planning out my second grow right now, that way I don't mess anything up. My first grow I used MG soil w/ time released ferts, so never again. I just got some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil but I have heard that it is too strong for seedlings. I got some King's Kush seeds to plant also. I was...
I am growing indoor, watering every other day, using sta-green and miracle grow soil. They were planted 9/31 and are still in veg on 24/0. I was thinking maybe the first two plants have N deficiency.. idk about the droopy plants
also, most of the burns are from the lights getting too close, I...
Hey everybody, I found this awesome tutorial over on grasscity on how to wire a regular pc fan to any 12v adaptor. This was written by MushuHappiness, thanks man! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Mushu here. After seeing...
So I decided that my setup was too sloppy so I upgraded a little bit. I even got some before and after pictures. Right now I got 10 23W 6500k CFLs for veg.. I am aiming for having a total of 14 23W CFLs. I just gotta grab 2 more socket splitters and some bulbs.
I am still running into trouble...
Got what? The calender or the strain? The picture is wild looking, its an amazing green with nice red hairs with blue and purple hues all in it, great bud to leaf ratio..
I would love to get my hands on some of this..
I have the High Times 09 calender and November has a picture of this strain called Ponyboy. It says it was developed by Eddy Lepp. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Does anybody know where I might be able to find those seeds? if they even exst..
They are in it, but the whole room is hot.. so idk if that would change it. The other problem is that if I take them outta the rubbermaid I have nothing to clip my mini-reflector/ballast things too..
Hey, I have 10 23W 6500k CFLs around a plastic tub that my plants are in, that is in a 5x2x5 room. I have been keeping my closet door open and the temp is still 87 degrees (finally got batteries for my thermometer).. I already have a fan blowing on them, is there anyway I can reduce the heat in...