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  1. P

    black spots 5 weeks into flower pics included

    okay i think the problem Phosphorus. its the only one that looks kind like my problem. so we will see what happens.
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    black spots 5 weeks into flower pics included

    hey fellas, i got a lil issue i searched the forums for info but found nothing on my problem. i have 4 GDP's on a 4x4 scrog. plants are in 5 gallon felt pots and have been fed nothing but organics their whole life. I.E bat, worm and seabird guano molasses and roots organic trinity for trace...
  3. P

    need help i have some very sick girls and dont know whats wrong PICS included

    Well I'm gonna flush for the rest of this week and keep the ph at about 6.3 and see. I'll keep everyone posted on the outcome.
  4. P

    need help i have some very sick girls and dont know whats wrong PICS included

    Yeah I was thinking of flushing again I know it's not hear stress my tents are 72 and 62 at the hottest and coolest. I'm gonna flush again with just 6.5 water and hope it helps.
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    need help i have some very sick girls and dont know whats wrong PICS included

    okay so first ill explain the details. so i have 8 girls in a continuous scrog grow one flowers while one vegis and vis versa. my strains are pineapple express and grandaddy purple. all the girls are in 5 gallon felt pots and in pro mix soil i use fox farm nutes gro big bog bloom and tiger...
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    Can't figure out what's causing this!

    Okay I water with ff nutes. The water is phd to 6.7 before I water. The temps are around low 70s they are is 3 gallon felt pots and planted in pro mix. I might try and flush to tonight with water phd to 6.0 and then ph the runoff and see what I get.
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    Can't figure out what's causing this!

    I'm thinking its alot. Looks like iron, zinc, sulfur, who knows I'm gonna try and see what happens.
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    Can't figure out what's causing this!

    Okay here is what's wrong with my babies. Please let me know what you think. The yellowing starts at the base and works its way out. Then the leaves get really pale. Thanks for the info rui.
  9. P

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Okay men here's my first scrog grow I have included pictures so go easy one me. I have a 4x4 tent with a 600 watt system HID HPS. I also have a 4x4 screen with two inch netting. The plants are in 3 gallon felt bags filled with pro mix. They receive a feed water feed water schedule of fox farm...
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    Hydroponic vs Soil

    Ok I need some help decideing what to use here. I've been reading for the last week and still can't decide so I'm asking for the opinion of the masses. I have two metal cabinets that I made one for veg and one for flower. Bothe are 4x2x6. I am going to scrog grow and on When one cab is ready to...
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Whats up brothers? I'm new to the website but I've been a grower for almost 5 years now. Mostly all outdoor tho. Because of my moving I am forced to grow inside which after reading and seeing some your scrogers pics I am looking forward to it. This will be my first scrog and this is what I'm...
  12. P

    flower questions

    hey guys i have wrote in a couple times about these plants and guys helped me out alot. but i have some more questions. first i have 3 medijuana plants that are about 8 feet tall. they have been flowering for about a month now. i was looking at the buds today and they are all cloudy or milky and...
  13. P

    plant problem with pics

    im useing fox farm and i use the chart they gave me. its like 3 tsp of grow big and 2 tlbs of big bloom in one gallon of water. i have the widows in maricale grow soil and i have 6 others in pro mix and this will be the last time i use MG soil. its a lesson learned. just hope this flush works...
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    plant problem with pics

    just did a flush today each plant got 40 gallons of just water and i am going water three more times this week weds friday sunday. hope this fixes the nute burn.
  15. P

    plant problem with pics

    hey everyone i am need of some serious help. i have 4 white widows outside and they have been growing good up until a couple of weeks ago. all the plants are in the same soils and are giving the same FF nutes. my problem is this, all of them have yellowing leaves. now i thoought it was lack of...
  16. P

    outdoor bug problem

    okay i will go with the fact that they are mites. what do you think about switching the spray from neem to sevens and switching week to week just so they dont get use to one pestacide. also where can get sevens?
  17. P

    outdoor bug problem

    hello everyone. this is not my first grow. but it is the first time i am growing outside. inside i never had a bug problem. but now that i am outside its a problem. i have read every post i can find and still no luck. my problem is this. i have 14 plants spread out on my 45 acres. they are in...
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    mite have a problem not sure

    thanks autofloowerchild i can move the bigger one to its own container. i will see if that helps thanks
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    mite have a problem not sure

    there is one more possibilty the big plant the one in the middle its roots are submerged in the water should i trim the so the hang in the air or no. all the little ones roots are still hanging above the water and have not reached the resi yet. this could also be causeing my problems wat to you...
  20. P

    mite have a problem not sure

    sorry everyone o a, useing a 45 gal toat with a sprayer system the toat has 10 gallons of water in it mixed with the nut solution also there is a 16 inch air stone in the water to air it. the sprayer stays one 24 hors a day along with the airstone. but the light is 18 and 6. hope this helps out