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  1. Super.Sauce

    how do these look

    you only need an 11w incandescent bulb for flowering don't listen to these yahoo's ;)
  2. Super.Sauce

    grow room

    this made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!
  3. Super.Sauce

    Carbon Filters No Longer Sold In Washington State

    you can get em' in spokane still.
  4. Super.Sauce

    when will stink come?

    wont really start 2 stink until the flowering stage
  5. Super.Sauce

    Seedlings in trouble!!!

    so far so good, took the humidity domes off the 2 that survived as they're too big now, and transplanted. Now they seem to be getting little gray/brown spots on the lower leaves, and they feel kinda dry. I've been spraying them with h2o like 5-6 times a day and think maybe water burn marks...
  6. Super.Sauce

    Top ten newb questions.....

    Does mixing chlorine and bleach make good nutes?
  7. Super.Sauce

    Hash Making? Hash Bags?

    I've been doing a lot of research on hash making and I'm wonder about these hash bags/bubble bags. I was wondering if anyone has come across a pattern to make your own hash bags.... Also does anyone one know of a place i could get the screens really cheap?:weed:
  8. Super.Sauce

    Seedlings in trouble!!!

    Okay here is what we did to increase humidity for them and I also turned up the heater. Do you think they have any chance of survival? The soil truly is fox farms ocean forest! What do you look for when looking for salt crystals? Maybe I got a shit batch? If so wtf I will sue for loss of...
  9. Super.Sauce

    Seedlings in trouble!!!

    Ok I'll start using my spray bottle to try and keep it more moist. Also would boiling my water first make it as good as the bottled h2o at the store? I'm kinda too broke atm 2 go buy bottled water, gotta get gas 1st lol. :joint::joint::joint:
  10. Super.Sauce

    Seedlings in trouble!!!

    Plz help my seedlings seem to be wilting/dying off on me and I am a horrible person for this crime. A MURDERER!!!. Anyway as you can see from the pics some plants have yellowing of the outside of the leaves and others look fine except a single leaf has turned completely yellow. Also my one...
  11. Super.Sauce

    prenuted soil from start

    I have 3 seedlings growing strong in pre-nuted Miracle Grow (planted b4 I heard about fox farms soil). They have slight nute burn but nothing serious, they're groing good none-the-less. Also I didnt even germinate them, we just poked a hole in the soil, dropped em' in there, gave em' some H2o...
  12. Super.Sauce

    can the seedling do this? and grow light help?

    Vouch this guy. Also if reading/research isn't your forte' you can find a wealth of information by searching Google Video for "How to Grow Marijuana". Also I think there are some links on this very forum (they're stickied) that will lead you to some very informative grow videos. Watch them a...
  13. Super.Sauce

    New grower - stunting growth?

    I use the same soil and it says there is enough nute's in the soil to last up to 3 weeks. My seedlings have all sprouted thou, i only water them twice a day once b4 the dark cycle and about 4-5 hours into the light cycle. Try to water them with a spray bottle as you only want to keep the soil...
  14. Super.Sauce


    looks like my mini grow operation in my closet, i have the same thing on my plants. Me thinks it's nute burn cuz a few of my babies are in Miracle Grow and they have those stupid nutrient balls that feed the plant every time you water :/