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  1. siriousk

    Serious Problems with small Worms in mature flowers

    I read that Rosemary and other herbs are a natural repellent of some moths, I took some branches and stuck them on my plant and it kinda seems to work. Does nothing fo the caterpillars and the eggs though I bought the safe caterpillar killer but havn't used it yet so I can't comment I think I...
  2. siriousk

    Serious Problems with small Worms in mature flowers

    Thanks FDD, damn, those pics you have, I have taken at least an ounce to two of wet material that looks just like that. NOt to waste though, gonna dry it and make some great tea with it. Did it last year and it's a great buzz Thanks Again
  3. siriousk

    Serious Problems with small Worms in mature flowers

    I have a six footer and the size of caterpillars I pull off are outrageous. It almost scares me when I see them. The eggs that the moths lay are little millimeter sized white/off white balls. They usually come in clusters and you can find them anywhere from directly on the bud to under the...
  4. siriousk

    Serious Problems with small Worms in mature flowers

    I have 4 outdoor in my backyard, and I have some huge effen worms on mine, the only thing I know of is to hand pick them off. You can track their shit trails and find them destroying your bud. It's a sad sight and pretty much every single one of my plants is affected by them. The moths lay...
  5. siriousk

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Hey FDD, you in socal? I have clones from the club that have been flowering literally a month into veg, this has happened to three of them so far. ANy recommendations?? I'm in so cal too and i figured that wouldn't start till August. Should I get clones, veg them indoors for a month and...
  6. siriousk

    how do they look?

    I agree with snowboarder, more soil in the pots, you'll get much larger plants...try and have the top of the soil be about an inch from the top of the pot...
  7. siriousk

    Why is my clone flowering in MAY??

    Thanks, never heard of autoflowering. FYI, the other clones are different strains from the flowering one. they were planed two weeks ago, where as the other was planted about 6 weeks ago. If I prune the top, the tip of the main stem, do you think that will awake it to re veg. It seems...
  8. siriousk

    Why is my clone flowering in MAY??

    This may be a thread for and advanced/experienced grower. The Problem: I planted this clone at the beginning of April, it grew for a few weeks and the little sucker started flowering (precious). I know that the nights were still too long and the days too short so it tricked it into flowering...
  9. siriousk

    BUGS! help me - pics -

    Yo, to me that looks like worms. I had this problem last year but not until my plants were flowering. Moths will fly onto your plant and lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves, the eggs hatch and then feast on your leaves. Worst case scenario is the eggs are planted in the bud and the worm...
  10. siriousk

    What would you do? **NEED ADVICE ASAP **

    Dude, if somehow you could turn it on him for all his coke and other drugs he's doing, like a counter suit or something. Get some dirt on him so he'll never be able to snitch.
  11. siriousk

    PLanting Clones Outdoor Help

    The only problem is I dont have an indoor set up. Should I let them hang out in the rock wool overnight before planting. I'll ask them at the shop. Thanks though, Any other suggestions would be helpful, thanks
  12. siriousk

    PLanting Clones Outdoor Help

    I need a little advice. I am getting clones from a club and then planting them in pots outdoors. 2 out of my four clones are suffering big time and probably wont make it. I'll have to get a few more. Any experienced growers could you please give me some advice on taking indoor clones and...
  13. siriousk

    bud i find them

    BUd worms have been eating my leaves and it's very apparent when you've got worms, they like the leaves and the stigmas. You will see clear signs of worms if you have them. Bites out of the leaves, missing gotta take your time and examine the plant at least once if not twice a...
  14. siriousk

    Who planted earliest? Monster bushes.

    Here's some outdoor, planted in early june around the 10th. She's budding real nice and I plan for an early to mid october harvest. the strain is power plant. Anyone have good advice on making clones??
  15. siriousk

    New with PIcs

    Here are some recent photos (within 4 days) of my babies. It's my first grow ever and i decided to do it in my backyard in moderate nor-cal. I got two clones from the club ( the strain is power plant) and planted them in some organic soil. Started them in early june and they started flowering...