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  1. S

    help am i wasting my time at this point?? ak ice flowering day 41

    thanks guys i guess thats what ill do. now correct me if im wrong but arent you supposed to prune off weak and un-developing bud sites?
  2. S

    help am i wasting my time at this point?? ak ice flowering day 41

    ok so this is under a 250 watt hps hortilux bulb lumatek eballast. 3.5 gallon pot. ocean forest and fox farm trio. vegged for 7 weeks, lots of lst through veg. recently clipped down tops to hopfully energize the other buds....I havent seen much improvement in a few days. heres some...
  3. S

    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    stay tuned for more pics....these ones do the plant no justice...the room has all white plastic now but not at time of photo since it was "moving day" if u will. Also Plant is tall but very thick and will be up tomorrow
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    Trust me if I hadnt lst'd this plant would be 8 feet tall. Its in the genes
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    yea i can show you pics from veg and they looked nothing like this, it was a big ass bush til I switched it. As soon as I switched it, it was over. Strtchin like crazy
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    goood stuff man I hope I see a yield like that, thats why vegged 7 weeks and will max out flowering
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    yea i LST'd it hardcore man ive even still been tying down through flower and its stretched over 12" in 4 weeks. Its slowed down now tho, so hopefully the stretch is done. and yea AK ice would be an ideal outdoor plant but if you get it right it can make a good indoor plant too, very resilient!
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    yea man im gonna shoot for the prescribed 9 weeks but they may need longer, ill be checkin the tric's deffinitely
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    yea it was a upgrade at time of flower
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    Alaska Ice * LST * 28 days flowering *

    Ok so the title explains it all... 250watt lumatek e-ballast 250 watt hortilux eye super hps bulb ocean forest grow big tiger bloom big bloom 7 weeks veg under 200 watt 6500k cfl's Just recently relocated into the closet you see in pictures and the pictures were before the white...
  11. S

    Help! Quick question, can I enter my room, need to do work asap!

    thanks for the info, was hoping I could just open the door, letting in minimal light from outside, i guess ill just wait till lights come on! Thanks for the info.
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    Help! Quick question, can I enter my room, need to do work asap!

    Ok so the girl is in second dark period of flowering, its about 9 hours into darkness and I need to do some work in the space, can I go in now without affecting the girl in a negative way?
  13. S

    Is this showing sex? Ak Ice, 6th week of veg, under 260 watt cfls

    thanks for the help! I might make this a journal, I have pics up to this point, we'll see, i cant wait for buds to form
  14. S

    Is this showing sex? Ak Ice, 6th week of veg, under 260 watt cfls

    ohhh this is a joyful occasion! I dont know what to say...somebody.....hand me a tissue
  15. S

    Is this showing sex? Ak Ice, 6th week of veg, under 260 watt cfls

    Ok so is this showing signs of sex? Its under 260 watts of 6500k cfls and is in ocean forest with fox farm nutes. And its supposed to be feminized Alaska Ice. Oh and its been under 18-6 since day one, will be switching to 12/12 in a few days. Thanks
  16. S

    can you use reflectix reflective insulation as a grow closet liner? is it safe?

    hey does anyone know from experience or someone elses experience if you can use this reflectix reflective insulation that they sell at home depot. Will it effective at reflecting light and how willit handle heat? hot spots? can I line my whole grow closet with this stuff...
  17. S

    do these look healthy? cfl grow**alaska ice

    so nobody is going to give me any words of wisdom, comments, complaints?
  18. S

    do these look healthy? cfl grow**alaska ice

    can someone move this to the cfl forum for me please?