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  1. Cannasseur

    When ya got too much to trim?

    Just get after it?? What do you think we have been doing for the last three weeks?:sleep: Also, how is anyone fucking up?:dunce: It is literally a fresh cut flower and stays healthy for about a week. A LOT easier to trim when fresh.
  2. Cannasseur

    When ya got too much to trim?

    It is hanging. It is just soo sticky, it will be a major pain in the ass to clean, when it dries out. Plus, it is in a barn and starting to show signs of mold.
  3. Cannasseur

    When ya got too much to trim?

    A buddy of mine had a bumper year.:-P The problem is: he just has too much to manucure b4 it starts drying up. He already put quite a few plants in buckets of water, to keep them fresh. Well, just like cut flowers, it has used up it's time. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to keep...
  4. Cannasseur

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    Hey Wiikid: Good post. Thanks for the info. Okay, how do I add pix to an existing post?:-? :bigjoint: Thanks.
  5. Cannasseur


    I just came across this post........I thought we were all burners here. Why the drama? I have grown DP Blueberry for about seven years. I have found it not to produce too well indoors. Thankfully, my buddy keeps a mother going for springtime. One of my stranger, yet favorite, strains. Never a...
  6. Cannasseur

    Outdoor BC kush, ready or not?

    Bummer. Got any close shots of the leaves? Could be some kinds airborne mold spores? Or, some c*cksu<<er sprayed them with some defoilant?
  7. Cannasseur

    The Ultimate Sting?

    There is such a thing?
  8. Cannasseur

    Obama Legilization of marijuana

    Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. Everything IS about money and since it is so easy to produce, the government can't regulate or control it. Apparently, they prefer the money leave the country, or we all become criminals by producing it ourselves. I would buy a license to produce it.
  9. Cannasseur

    The Ultimate Sting?

    Paranoid for no good reason? Apparently, you have never been to prison. I doan live in California and I think our laws are a bit different. Things don't get hacked into, either.
  10. Cannasseur

    The Ultimate Sting?

    GrowTech writes:
  11. Cannasseur

    The Ultimate Sting?

    I am always amazed at how sloppy we can get. Do any of you growing at home and accessing this site from your home computer worry about that? Maybe you should. bongsmilie
  12. Cannasseur

    Screen?For Hash

    Two words: Ice Hash
  13. Cannasseur

    Broke rule # 1, now what?

    You broke: Ruls numba one. Nuff said. Why dump the stuff? You doan have any buddies that would hold it, or someone you would rather GIVE IT TO than dump it? I had a buddy in the early 80's. He and his brothers were moving a lot of dope. Eventually, he told his wife and wouldn't ya know, she gets...
  14. Cannasseur

    Real quick need an answer

  15. Cannasseur

    Friggin Bud Rot!

    I know there are some chemicals purported to be drying agents. But personally, no way I am putting ANYTHING on my buds that close to taking them. I don't think shaking them helps. I still shake mine anyhow. LOL. Plant that is...never mind. A lot of rot starts close to the stalk, where various...
  16. Cannasseur

    How much longer: your opinions please!

    Patience GrassSmoker. Looks like you got some nice sloow sativa there. mmmmmmm. Go with the trichomes. Radio Shack sells a nice compact 100x for about ten bucks.
  17. Cannasseur

    What your favorite rolling papers?

    Orange Zig-Zag's generally. But, I also really like the Skunk papers.
  18. Cannasseur

    Hash in America???

    Excluding Europe, I can't remember the last time I saw any hash in quantity. Last time I did, it was expensive. Like $4k US/lb. All we ever see is the ice hash we produce. Which is pretty phuckin' nice. But, not available in quantity.
  19. Cannasseur

    http://C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Van Horn\My Documents\My Pictures\AMS08http://C:\Documents...

    http://C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Van Horn\My Documents\My Pictures\AMS08http://C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Van Horn\My Documents\My Pictures\AMS08http://C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Van Horn\My Documents\Myhttp://C:\Documents and Settings\Karl Van Horn\My Dochttp://C:\Documents and...